Source code for pyrocore.torrent.queue

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: disable=I0011
""" rTorrent Queue Manager.

    Copyright (c) 2012 The PyroScope Project <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
from __future__ import with_statement
from __future__ import absolute_import

import time

from pyrocore import error
from pyrocore import config as config_ini
from pyrocore.util import fmt, xmlrpc, pymagic
from pyrocore.torrent import engine, matching, formatting

[docs]class QueueManager(object): """ rTorrent queue manager implementation. """ # Special view containing all items that are transferring data, have peers connected, or are incomplete VIEWNAME = "pyrotorque" def __init__(self, config=None): """ Set up queue manager. """ self.config = config or {} self.proxy = None self.last_start = 0 self.LOG = pymagic.get_class_logger(self) if 'log_level' in self.config: self.LOG.setLevel(config.log_level) self.LOG.debug("Queue manager created with config %r" % self.config) bool_param = lambda key, default: matching.truth(self.config.get(key, default), "job.%s.%s" % (self.config.job_name, key)) self.config.quiet = bool_param("quiet", False) self.config.startable = matching.ConditionParser(engine.FieldDefinition.lookup, "name").parse( "[ %s ] [ %s ]" % (config_ini.torque['queue_startable_base'], self.config.startable) )"Startable matcher for '%s' is: [ %s ]" % (self.config.job_name, self.config.startable)) self.config.downloading = matching.ConditionParser(engine.FieldDefinition.lookup, "name").parse( "is_active=1 is_complete=0" + (" [ %s ]" % self.config.downloading if "downloading" in self.config else "") )"Downloading matcher for '%s' is: [ %s ]" % (self.config.job_name, self.config.downloading)) self.sort_key = formatting.validate_sort_fields(self.config.sort_fields) if self.config.sort_fields.strip() else None def _start(self, items): """ Start some items if conditions are met. """ # TODO: Filter by a custom date field, for scheduled downloads starting at a certain time, or after a given delay # TODO: Don't start anything more if download BW is used >= config threshold in % # Check if anything more is ready to start downloading startable = [i for i in items if self.config.startable.match(i)] if not startable: self.LOG.debug("Checked %d item(s), none startable according to [ %s ]", len(items), self.config.startable) return # Check intermission delay now = time.time() if now < self.last_start: # compensate for summer time and other oddities self.last_start = now delayed = int(self.last_start + self.config.intermission - now) if delayed > 0: self.LOG.debug("Delaying start of {:d} item(s)," " due to {:d}s intermission with {:d}s left" .format(len(startable), self.config.intermission, delayed)) return # TODO: sort by priority, then loaded time # Stick to "start_at_once" parameter, unless "downloading_min" is violated downloading = [i for i in items if self.config.downloading.match(i)] start_now = max(self.config.start_at_once, self.config.downloading_min - len(downloading)) start_now = min(start_now, len(startable)) #down_traffic = sum(i.down for i in downloading)"%d downloading, down %d" % (len(downloading), down_traffic)) # Start eligible items for idx, item in enumerate(startable): # Check if we reached 'start_now' in this run if idx >= start_now: self.LOG.debug("Only starting %d item(s) in this run, %d more could be downloading" % ( start_now, len(startable)-idx,)) break # TODO: Prevent start of more torrents that can fit on the drive (taking "off" files into account) # (restarts items that were stopped due to the "low_diskspace" schedule, and also avoids triggering it at all) # Only check the other conditions when we have `downloading_min` covered if len(downloading) < self.config.downloading_min: self.LOG.debug("Catching up from %d to a minimum of %d downloading item(s)" % ( len(downloading), self.config.downloading_min)) else: # Limit to the given maximum of downloading items if len(downloading) >= self.config.downloading_max: self.LOG.debug("Already downloading %d item(s) out of %d max, %d more could be downloading" % ( len(downloading), self.config.downloading_max, len(startable)-idx,)) break # If we made it here, start it! self.last_start = now downloading.append(item)"%s '%s' [%s, #%s]" % ( "WOULD start" if self.config.dry_run else "Starting", fmt.to_utf8(, item.alias, item.hash)) if not self.config.dry_run: item.start() if not self.config.quiet: self.proxy.log(xmlrpc.NOHASH, "%s: Started '%s' {%s}" % ( self.__class__.__name__, fmt.to_utf8(, item.alias, ))
[docs] def run(self): """ Queue manager job callback. """ try: self.proxy = # Get items from 'pyrotorque' view items = list(config_ini.engine.items(self.VIEWNAME, cache=False)) if self.sort_key: items.sort(key=self.sort_key) #self.LOG.debug("Sorted: %r" % [ for i in items]) # Handle found items self._start(items) self.LOG.debug("%s - %s" % (config_ini.engine.engine_id, self.proxy)) except (error.LoggableError, xmlrpc.ERRORS) as exc: # only debug, let the statistics logger do its job self.LOG.debug(str(exc))