Source code for pyrocore.scripts.pyrotorque

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
""" rTorrent queue manager & daemon.

    Copyright (c) 2012 The PyroScope Project <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
from __future__ import absolute_import

import time
import shlex
import signal
import asyncore
from collections import defaultdict

from pyrobase import logutil
from import Bunch

from pyrocore import config, error
from pyrocore.util import os, pymagic, osmagic, matching
from pyrocore.scripts.base import ScriptBase, ScriptBaseWithConfig

def _raise_interrupt(signo, dummy_):
    """ Helper for signal handling.
    raise KeyboardInterrupt("Caught signal #%d" % signo)

[docs]class RtorrentQueueManager(ScriptBaseWithConfig): ### Keep things wrapped to fit under this comment... ############################## """ rTorrent queue manager & daemon. """ # argument description for the usage information ARGS_HELP = "" OPTIONAL_CFG_FILES = ["torque.ini"] POLL_TIMEOUT = 1.0
[docs] def add_options(self): """ Add program options. """ super(RtorrentQueueManager, self).add_options() = None self.httpd = None # basic options self.add_bool_option("-n", "--dry-run", help="advise jobs not to do any real work, just tell what would happen") self.add_bool_option("--no-fork", "--fg", help="Don't fork into background (stay in foreground and log to console)") self.add_bool_option("--stop", help="Stop running daemon") self.add_bool_option("--restart", help="Stop running daemon, then fork into background") self.add_bool_option("-?", "--status", help="Check daemon status") self.add_value_option("--pid-file", "PATH", help="file holding the process ID of the daemon, when running in background") self.add_value_option("--guard-file", "PATH", help="guard file for the process watchdog")
def _parse_schedule(self, schedule): """ Parse a job schedule. """ result = {} for param in shlex.split(str(schedule)): # do not feed unicode to shlex try: key, val = param.split('=', 1) except (TypeError, ValueError): self.fatal("Bad param '%s' in job schedule '%s'" % (param, schedule)) else: result[key] = val return result def _validate_config(self): """ Handle and check configuration. """ groups = dict( job=defaultdict(Bunch), httpd=defaultdict(Bunch), ) for key, val in config.torque.items(): # Auto-convert numbers and bools if val.isdigit(): config.torque[key] = val = int(val) elif val.lower() in (matching.TRUE | matching.FALSE): val = matching.truth(str(val), key) # Assemble grouped parameters stem = key.split('.', 1)[0] if key == "": groups[stem]["active"] = val elif stem in groups: try: stem, name, param = key.split('.', 2) except (TypeError, ValueError): self.fatal("Bad %s configuration key %r (expecting %s.NAME.PARAM)" % (stem, key, stem)) else: groups[stem][name][param] = val for key, val in groups.iteritems(): setattr(self, key.replace("job", "jobs"), Bunch(val)) # Validate httpd config if if self.httpd.waitress.url_scheme not in ("http", "https"): self.fatal("HTTP URL scheme must be either 'http' or 'https'") if not isinstance(self.httpd.waitress.port, int) or not(1024 <= self.httpd.waitress.port < 65536): self.fatal("HTTP port must be a 16 bit number >= 1024") # Validate jobs for name, params in for key in ("handler", "schedule"): if key not in params: self.fatal("Job '%s' is missing the required 'job.%s.%s' parameter" % (name, name, key)) bool_param = lambda k, default, p=params: matching.truth(p.get(k, default), "job.%s.%s" % (name, k)) params.job_name = name params.dry_run = bool_param("dry_run", False) or self.options.dry_run = bool_param("active", True) params.schedule = self._parse_schedule(params.schedule) if try: params.handler = pymagic.import_name(params.handler) except ImportError as exc: self.fatal("Bad handler name '%s' for job '%s':\n %s" % (params.handler, name, exc)) def _add_jobs(self): """ Add configured jobs. """ for name, params in if params.handler = params.handler(params) self.sched.add_cron_job(, **params.schedule) def _init_wsgi_server(self): """ Set up WSGI HTTP server. """ self.wsgi_server = None if # Only import dependencies when server is active from waitress.server import WSGIServer from pyrocore.daemon import webapp # Set up WSGI stack wsgi_app = webapp.make_app(self.httpd) # try: # import wsgilog # except ImportError: #"'wsgilog' middleware not installed") # else: # wsgi_app = wsgilog.WsgiLog(wsgi_app, **self.httpd.wsgilog) ##logging.getLogger('waitress').setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.LOG.debug("Waitress config: %r" % self.httpd.waitress) self.wsgi_server = WSGIServer(wsgi_app, **self.httpd.waitress)"Started web server at %s://%s:%d/" % ( self.httpd.waitress.url_scheme, self.wsgi_server.get_server_name(self.wsgi_server.effective_host), int(self.wsgi_server.effective_port), )) def _run_forever(self): """ Run configured jobs until termination request. """ while True: try: tick = time.time() asyncore.loop(timeout=self.POLL_TIMEOUT, use_poll=True) # Sleep for remaining poll cycle time tick += self.POLL_TIMEOUT - time.time() if tick > 0: # wait POLL_TIMEOUT at most (robust against time shifts) time.sleep(min(tick, self.POLL_TIMEOUT)) except KeyboardInterrupt as exc:"Termination request received (%s)" % exc) break except SystemExit as exc: self.return_code = exc.code or 0"System exit (RC=%r)" % self.return_code) break else: # Idle work #self.LOG.warn("IDLE %s %r" % (self.options.guard_file, os.path.exists(self.options.guard_file))) if self.options.guard_file and not os.path.exists(self.options.guard_file): self.LOG.warn("Guard file '%s' disappeared, exiting!" % self.options.guard_file) break
[docs] def mainloop(self): """ The main loop. """ self._validate_config() config.engine.load_config() # Defaults for process control paths if not self.options.no_fork and not self.options.guard_file: self.options.guard_file = os.path.join(config.config_dir, "run/pyrotorque") if not self.options.pid_file: self.options.pid_file = os.path.join(config.config_dir, "run/") # Process control if self.options.status or self.options.stop or self.options.restart: if self.options.pid_file and os.path.exists(self.options.pid_file): running, pid = osmagic.check_process(self.options.pid_file) else: running, pid = False, 0 if self.options.stop or self.options.restart: if running: os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM) # Wait for termination (max. 10 secs) for _ in range(100): running, _ = osmagic.check_process(self.options.pid_file) if not running: break time.sleep(.1)"Process #%d stopped." % (pid)) elif pid:"Process #%d NOT running anymore." % (pid)) else:"No pid file '%s'" % (self.options.pid_file or "<N/A>")) else:"Process #%d %s running." % (pid, "UP and" if running else "NOT")) if self.options.restart: if self.options.pid_file: running, pid = osmagic.check_process(self.options.pid_file) if running: self.return_code = error.EX_TEMPFAIL return else: self.return_code = error.EX_OK if running else error.EX_UNAVAILABLE return # Check for guard file and running daemon, abort if not OK try: osmagic.guard(self.options.pid_file, self.options.guard_file) except EnvironmentError as exc: self.LOG.debug(str(exc)) self.return_code = error.EX_TEMPFAIL return # Detach, if not disabled via option if not self.options.no_fork: # or getattr(sys.stdin, "isatty", lambda: False)(): osmagic.daemonize(pidfile=self.options.pid_file, logfile=logutil.get_logfile()) time.sleep(.05) # let things settle a little signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, _raise_interrupt) # Set up services from apscheduler.scheduler import Scheduler self.sched = Scheduler(config.torque) self._init_wsgi_server() # Run services self.sched.start() try: self._add_jobs() # TODO: daemonize here, or before the scheduler starts? self._run_forever() finally: self.sched.shutdown() if self.wsgi_server: self.wsgi_server.task_dispatcher.shutdown() self.wsgi_server = None if self.options.pid_file: try: os.remove(self.options.pid_file) except EnvironmentError as exc: self.LOG.warn("Failed to remove pid file '%s' (%s)" % (self.options.pid_file, exc)) self.return_code = error.EX_IOERR
[docs]def run(): #pragma: no cover """ The entry point. """ ScriptBase.setup(cron_cfg="torque") RtorrentQueueManager().run()
if __name__ == "__main__": run()