Source code for pyrocore.torrent.engine

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: disable=
""" Torrent Engine Interface.

    Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, 2011 The PyroScope Project <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import re
import time
import operator
from collections import defaultdict

from pyrocore import config, error
from pyrocore.util import os, pymagic, fmt, traits, matching, metafile, xmlrpc

# Conversion Helpers
[docs]def untyped(val): """ A type specifier for fields that does nothing. """ return val
[docs]def ratio_float(intval): """ Convert scaled integer ratio to a normalized float. """ return intval / 1000.0
[docs]def percent(floatval): """ Convert float ratio to a percent value. """ return floatval * 100.0
def _duration(start, end): """ Return time delta. """ if start and end: if start > end: return None else: return end - start elif start: return time.time() - start else: return None def _interval_split(interval, only=None, context=None, event_re=re.compile("[A-Z][0-9]+")): """ Split C{interval} into a series of event type and timestamp tuples. An exaple of the input is "R1283008245P1283008268". Returns events in reversed order (latest first). """ def split_event(event): "Helper to parse events." kind, val = event[:1], event[1:] try: return kind, float(val) except (TypeError, ValueError): return None, 0 if hasattr(interval, "fetch"): interval = interval.fetch("custom_activations") ##import sys; print >>sys.stderr, "!!!!!isplit", interval, event_re.findall(interval) return list(reversed([split_event(i) for i in event_re.findall(interval) if not only or i.startswith(only)])) def _interval_sum(interval, start=None, end=None, context=None): """ Return sum of intervals between "R"esume and "P"aused events in C{interval}, optionally limited by a time window defined by C{start} and C{end}. Return empty list if there's no sensible information. C{interval} is a series of event types and timestamps, e.g. "R1283008245P1283008268". """ end = float(end) if end else time.time() events = _interval_split(interval, context=context) result = [] ##import sys; print >>sys.stderr, "!!!!!isum", interval.fetch("custom_activations"), events, start, end while events: event, resumed = events.pop() ##print "~~~~~~~~~~", context, event, resumed if event != "R": # Ignore other events continue resumed = max(resumed, start or resumed) if events: # Further events? if not events[-1][0] == "P": continue # If not followed by "P", it's not a valid interval _, paused = events.pop() paused = min(paused, end) else: # Currently active, ends at time window paused = end ##print "~~~~~~~~~~ R: %r, P: %r" % (resumed, paused) ##print "~~~~~~~~~~ I: %r" % (paused - resumed) if resumed >= paused: # Ignore empty intervals continue result.append(paused - resumed) return sum(result) if result else None def _fmt_duration(duration): """ Format duration value. """ return fmt.human_duration(duration, 0, 2, True) def _fmt_tags(tagset): """ Convert set of strings to sorted space-separated list as a string. """ return ' '.join(sorted(tagset)) def _fmt_files(filelist): """ Produce a file listing. """ depth = max(i.path.count('/') for i in filelist) pad = ['\uFFFE'] * depth base_indent = ' ' * 38 indent = 0 result = [] prev_path = pad sorted_files = sorted((i.path.split('/')[:-1]+pad, i.path.rsplit('/', 1)[-1], i) for i in filelist) for path, name, fileinfo in sorted_files: path = path[:depth] if path != prev_path: common = min([depth] + [idx for idx, (dirname, prev_name) in enumerate(zip(path, prev_path)) if dirname != prev_name ]) #result.append("!!%r %r" % (indent, common)) #result.append("!!%r" % (prev_path,)) #result.append("!!%r" % (path,)) while indent > common: indent -= 1 result.append("%s%s/" % (base_indent, ' ' * indent)) for dirname in path[common:]: if dirname == '\uFFFE': break result.append("%s%s\\ %s" % (base_indent, ' ' * indent, dirname)) indent += 1 ##result.append("!!%r %r" % (path, name)) result.append(" %s %s %s %s| %s" % ( {0: "off ", 1: " ", 2: "high"}.get(fileinfo.prio, "????"), fmt.iso_datetime(fileinfo.mtime), fmt.human_size(fileinfo.size), ' ' * indent, name, )) prev_path = path while indent > 0: indent -= 1 result.append("%s%s/" % (base_indent, ' ' * indent)) result.append("%s= %d file(s)" % (base_indent, len(filelist))) return '\n'.join(result)
[docs]def detect_traits(item): """ Build traits list from attributes of the passed item. Currently, "kind_51", "name" and "alias" are considered. See pyrocore.util.traits:dectect_traits for more details. """ return traits.detect_traits(, alias=item.alias, filetype=(list(item.fetch("kind_51")) or [None]).pop(), )
# # Field Descriptors #
[docs]class FieldDefinition(object): """ Download item field. """ FIELDS = {}
[docs] @classmethod def lookup(cls, name): """ Try to find field C{name}. @return: Field descriptions, see C{matching.ConditionParser} for details. """ try: field = cls.FIELDS[name] except KeyError: # Is it a custom attribute? field = TorrentProxy.add_manifold_attribute(name) return {"matcher": field._matcher} if field else None
def __init__(self, valtype, name, doc, accessor=None, matcher=None, formatter=None, engine_name=None): self.valtype = valtype = name self.__doc__ = doc self._engine_name = engine_name self._accessor = accessor self._matcher = matcher self._formatter = formatter if name in FieldDefinition.FIELDS: raise RuntimeError("INTERNAL ERROR: Duplicate field definition") FieldDefinition.FIELDS[name] = self def __repr__(self): """ Return a representation of internal state. """ return "<%s(%r, %r, %r)>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.valtype,, self.__doc__) def __get__(self, obj, cls=None): if obj is None: return self return self.valtype(self._accessor(obj) if self._accessor else obj._fields[]) def __delete__(self, obj): raise RuntimeError("Can't delete field %r" % (,))
[docs]class ImmutableField(FieldDefinition): """ Read-only download item field. """ def __set__(self, obj, val): raise RuntimeError("Immutable field %r" % (,))
[docs]class ConstantField(ImmutableField): """ Read-only download item field with constant value. """
# This can be cached
[docs]class DynamicField(ImmutableField): """ Read-only download item field with dynamic value. """
# This cannot be cached
[docs]class OnDemandField(DynamicField): """ Field that is fetched on first access only. """ def __get__(self, obj, cls=None): if obj and not in obj._fields: obj.fetch(, self._engine_name) return super(OnDemandField, self).__get__(obj, cls)
[docs]class MutableField(FieldDefinition): """ Writable download item field """ def __set__(self, obj, val): raise NotImplementedError()
# # [Somewhat] Generic Engine Interface (abstract base classes) #
[docs]class TorrentProxy(object): """ A single download item. """
[docs] @classmethod def add_manifold_attribute(cls, name): """ Register a manifold engine attribute. @return: field definition object, or None if "name" isn't a manifold attribute. """ if name.startswith("custom_"): try: return FieldDefinition.FIELDS[name] except KeyError: field = OnDemandField(str, name, "custom attribute %r" % name.split('_', 1)[1], matcher=matching.PatternFilter) setattr(cls, name, field) # add field to all proxy objects return field elif name.startswith("kind_") and name[5:].isdigit(): try: return FieldDefinition.FIELDS[name] except KeyError: limit = int(name[5:].lstrip('0') or '0', 10) if limit > 100: raise error.UserError("kind_N: N > 100 in %r" % name) field = OnDemandField(set, name, "kinds of files that make up more than %d%% of this item's size" % limit, matcher=matching.TaggedAsFilter, formatter=_fmt_tags, engine_name="kind_%d" % limit) setattr(cls, name, field) return field
[docs] @classmethod def add_custom_fields(cls, *args, **kw): """ Add any custom fields defined in the configuration. """ for factory in config.custom_field_factories: for field in factory(): setattr(cls,, field)
def __init__(self): """ Initialize object. """ self._fields = {} def __repr__(self): """ Return a representation of internal state. """ def mask(key, val): 'helper to hide sensitive stuff' if key in ('tracker', 'custom_m_alias'): return key, metafile.mask_keys(val) else: return key, val attrs = set(( for field in FieldDefinition.FIELDS.values() if field._accessor or in self._fields )) return "<%s(%s)>" % (self.__class__.__name__, ", ".join(sorted( ["%s=%r" % mask(i, getattr(self, i)) for i in attrs] + ["%s=%r" % mask(i, self._fields[i]) for i in (set(self._fields) - attrs)] )))
[docs] def fetch(self, name, engine_name=None): """ Get a field on demand. "engine_name" is the internal name of the client engine. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def datapath(self): """ Get an item's data path. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def announce_urls(self, default=[]): # pylint: disable=dangerous-default-value """ Get a list of all announce URLs. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def start(self): """ (Re-)start downloading or seeding. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def stop(self): """ Stop and close download. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def ignore(self, flag): """ Set ignore status. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def tag(self, tags): """ Add or remove tags. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def set_throttle(self, name): """ Assign to throttle group. """ # TODO: A better way would be to have a MutableField class, i.e. item.throttle = "name" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def set_custom(self, key, value=None): """ Set a custom value. C{key} might have the form "key=value" when value is C{None}. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def hash_check(self): """ Hash check a download. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def delete(self): """ Remove torrent from client. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def flush(self): """ Write volatile data to disk. """
# This can be empty in derived classes # Basic fields hash = ConstantField(str, "hash", "info hash", matcher=matching.PatternFilter) name = ConstantField(fmt.to_unicode, "name", "name (file or root directory)", matcher=matching.PatternFilter) size = ConstantField(int, "size", "data size", matcher=matching.ByteSizeFilter) prio = OnDemandField(int, "prio", "priority (0=off, 1=low, 2=normal, 3=high)", matcher=matching.FloatFilter, formatter=lambda val: "X- +"[val]) tracker = ConstantField(str, "tracker", "first in the list of announce URLs", matcher=matching.PatternFilter, accessor=lambda o: (o.announce_urls(default=[None]) or [None])[0]) alias = ConstantField(config.map_announce2alias, "alias", "tracker alias or domain", matcher=matching.PatternFilter, accessor=lambda o: o._memoize("alias", getattr, o, "tracker")) #matcher=matching.PatternFilter, accessor=operator.attrgetter("tracker")) message = OnDemandField(fmt.to_unicode, "message", "current tracker message", matcher=matching.PatternFilter) # State is_private = ConstantField(bool, "is_private", "private flag set (no DHT/PEX)?", matcher=matching.BoolFilter, formatter=lambda val: "PRV" if val else "PUB") is_open = DynamicField(bool, "is_open", "download open?", matcher=matching.BoolFilter, formatter=lambda val: "OPN" if val else "CLS") is_active = DynamicField(bool, "is_active", "download active?", matcher=matching.BoolFilter, formatter=lambda val: "ACT" if val else "STP") is_complete = DynamicField(bool, "is_complete", "download complete?", matcher=matching.BoolFilter, formatter=lambda val: "DONE" if val else "PART") is_multi_file = OnDemandField(bool, "is_multi_file", "single- or multi-file download?", matcher=matching.BoolFilter, formatter=lambda val: "DIR " if val else "FILE") is_ignored = OnDemandField(bool, "is_ignored", "ignore commands?", matcher=matching.BoolFilter, formatter=lambda val: "IGN!" if int(val) else "HEED") is_ghost = DynamicField(bool, "is_ghost", "has no data file or directory?", matcher=matching.BoolFilter, accessor=lambda o: not os.path.exists(o.datapath()) if o.datapath() else None, formatter=lambda val: "GHST" if val else "DATA") # Paths """ Shining a light on the naming and paths mess: hash=xxx for i in d.base_filename d.base_path d.directory_base d.is_multi_file; do \ echo -n "$(printf '%20.20s ' $i)"; rtxmlrpc $i $hash done Basics: * d.base_filename is always the basename of d.base_path * d.directory_base and are always the same * d.base_filename and d.base_path are empty on closed items, after a restart, i.e. not too useful (since 0.9.1 or so) Behaviour of + d.directory_base.set (tested with 0.9.4): * d.base_path always remains unchanged, and item gets closed * d.start sets d.base_path if resume data ok * single: *[_base].set → NEVER appended (only in d.base_path) * after start, d.base_path := * multi: * → is appended * d.directory_base.set → is NOT appended (i.e. item renamed to last path part) * after start, d.base_path := Making sense of it (trying to at least): * is *always* a directory (thus, single items auto-append in d.base_path and cannot be renamed) * d.directory_base.set means set path PLUS basename together for a multi item (thus allowing a rename) * only behaves consistently for single+multi, regarding the end result in d.base_path """ directory = OnDemandField(fmt.to_unicode, "directory", "directory containing download data", matcher=matching.PatternFilter) path = DynamicField(fmt.to_unicode, "path", "path to download data", matcher=matching.PatternFilter, accessor=lambda o: o.datapath()) realpath = DynamicField(fmt.to_unicode, "realpath", "real path to download data", matcher=matching.PatternFilter, accessor=lambda o: os.path.realpath(o.datapath())) metafile = ConstantField(fmt.to_unicode, "metafile", "path to torrent file", matcher=matching.PatternFilter, accessor=lambda o: os.path.expanduser(fmt.to_unicode(o._fields["metafile"]))) sessionfile = ConstantField(fmt.to_unicode, "sessionfile", "path to session file", matcher=matching.PatternFilter, accessor=lambda o: os.path.expanduser(fmt.to_unicode(o.fetch("session_file")))) files = OnDemandField(list, "files", "list of files in this item", matcher=matching.FilesFilter, formatter=_fmt_files) fno = OnDemandField(int, "fno", "number of files in this item", matcher=matching.FloatFilter, engine_name="size_files") # Bandwidth & Data Transfer done = OnDemandField(percent, "done", "completion in percent", matcher=matching.FloatFilter) ratio = DynamicField(ratio_float, "ratio", "normalized ratio (1:1 = 1.0)", matcher=matching.FloatFilter) uploaded = OnDemandField(int, "uploaded", "amount of uploaded data", matcher=matching.ByteSizeFilter, engine_name="up_total") xfer = DynamicField(int, "xfer", "transfer rate", matcher=matching.ByteSizeFilter, accessor=lambda o: o.fetch("up") + o.fetch("down")) down = DynamicField(int, "down", "download rate", matcher=matching.ByteSizeFilter) up = DynamicField(int, "up", "upload rate", matcher=matching.ByteSizeFilter) throttle = OnDemandField(str, "throttle", "throttle group name (NULL=unlimited, NONE=global)", matcher=matching.PatternFilter, accessor=lambda o: o._fields["throttle"] or "NONE") # Lifecyle loaded = DynamicField(int, "loaded", "time metafile was loaded", matcher=matching.TimeFilterNotNull, accessor=lambda o: int(o.fetch("custom_tm_loaded") or "0", 10), formatter=fmt.iso_datetime_optional) started = DynamicField(int, "started", "time download was FIRST started", matcher=matching.TimeFilterNotNull, accessor=lambda o: int(o.fetch("custom_tm_started") or "0", 10), formatter=fmt.iso_datetime_optional) leechtime = DynamicField(untyped, "leechtime", "time taken from start to completion", matcher=matching.DurationFilter, accessor=lambda o: _interval_sum(o, end=o.completed, or _duration(o.started, o.completed), formatter=_fmt_duration) completed = DynamicField(int, "completed", "time download was finished", matcher=matching.TimeFilterNotNull, accessor=lambda o: int(o.fetch("custom_tm_completed") or "0", 10), formatter=fmt.iso_datetime_optional) seedtime = DynamicField(untyped, "seedtime", "total seeding time after completion", matcher=matching.DurationFilter, accessor=lambda o: _interval_sum(o, start=o.completed, if o.is_complete else None, formatter=_fmt_duration) active = DynamicField(int, "active", "last time a peer was connected", matcher=matching.TimeFilter, accessor=lambda o: int(o.fetch("last_active") or 0), formatter=fmt.iso_datetime_optional) stopped = DynamicField(int, "stopped", "time download was last stopped or paused", matcher=matching.TimeFilterNotNull, accessor=lambda o: (_interval_split(o, only='P', + [(0, 0)])[0][1], formatter=fmt.iso_datetime_optional) # Classification tagged = DynamicField(set, "tagged", "has certain tags? (not related to the 'tagged' view)", matcher=matching.TaggedAsFilter, accessor=lambda o: set(o.fetch("custom_tags").lower().split()), formatter=_fmt_tags) views = OnDemandField(set, "views", "views this item is attached to", matcher=matching.TaggedAsFilter, formatter=_fmt_tags, engine_name="=views") kind = DynamicField(set, "kind", "ALL kinds of files in this item (the same as kind_0)", matcher=matching.TaggedAsFilter, formatter=_fmt_tags, accessor=lambda o: o.fetch("kind_0")) traits = DynamicField(list, "traits", "automatic classification of this item (audio, video, tv, movie, etc.)", matcher=matching.TaggedAsFilter, formatter=lambda v: '/'.join(v or ["misc", "other"]), accessor=detect_traits)
# = DynamicField(, "", "") # TODO: metafile data cache (sqlite, shelve or maybe .ini) # cache data indexed by hash # store ctime per cache entry # scan metafiles of new hashes not yet in cache # on cache read, for unknown hashes setdefault() a purge date, then remove entries after a while # clear purge date for known hashes (unloaded and then reloaded torrents) # store a version marker and other global metadata in cache under key = None, so it can be upgraded # add option to pyroadmin to inspect the cache, mainly for debugging # TODO: created (metafile creation date, i.e. the bencoded field; same as downloaded if missing; cached by hash) # add .age formatter (age = " 1y 6m", " 2w 6d", "12h30m", etc.)
[docs]class TorrentView(object): """ A view on a subset of torrent items. """ def __init__(self, engine, viewname, matcher=None): """ Initialize view on torrent items. """ self.engine = engine self.viewname = viewname or "default" self.matcher = matcher self._items = None def _fetch_items(self): """ Fetch to attribute. """ if self._items is None: self._items = list(self.engine.items(self)) return self._items def _check_hash_view(self): """ Return infohash if view name refers to a single item, else None. """ infohash = None if self.viewname.startswith('#'): infohash = self.viewname[1:] elif len(self.viewname) == 40: try: int(self.viewname, 16) except (TypeError, ValueError): pass else: infohash = self.viewname return infohash
[docs] def size(self): """ Total unfiltered size of view. """ #return len(self._fetch_items()) if self._check_hash_view(): return 1 else: return, self.viewname)
[docs] def items(self): """ Get list of download items. """ if self.matcher: for item in self._fetch_items(): if self.matcher.match(item): yield item else: for item in self._fetch_items(): yield item
[docs]class TorrentEngine(object): """ A torrent backend. """ def __init__(self): """ Initialize torrent backend engine. """ self.LOG = pymagic.get_class_logger(self) self.engine_id = "N/A" # ID of the instance we're connecting to self.engine_software = "N/A" # Name and version of software
[docs] def load_config(self, namespace=None, rcfile=None): """ Load engine configuration file. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def open(self): """ Open connection. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def log(self, msg): """ Log a message in the torrent client. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def view(self, viewname, matcher=None): """ Get list of download items. """ return TorrentView(self, viewname, matcher)
[docs] def items(self, view=None, prefetch=None, cache=True): """ Get list of download items. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def show(self, items, view=None): """ Visualize a set of items (search result), and return the view name. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def group_by(self, fields, items=None): """ Returns a dict of lists of items, grouped by the given fields. ``fields`` can be a string (one field) or an iterable of field names. """ result = defaultdict(list) if items is None: items = self.items() try: key = operator.attrgetter(fields + '') except TypeError: def key(obj, names=tuple(fields)): 'Helper to return group key tuple' return tuple(getattr(obj, x) for x in names) for item in items: result[key(item)].append(item) return result