Source code for pyrocore.scripts.rtcontrol

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: disable=no-self-use
""" rTorrent Control.

    Copyright (c) 2010, 2011 The PyroScope Project <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
import re
import sys
import json
import time
import shlex
import logging
import subprocess

from import Bunch, DefaultBunch
from pyrocore import config, error
from pyrocore.util import os, fmt, osmagic, pymagic, matching, xmlrpc
from pyrocore.scripts.base import ScriptBase, ScriptBaseWithConfig, PromptDecorator
from pyrocore.torrent import engine, formatting

[docs]class FieldStatistics(object): """ Collect statistical values for the fields of a search result. """ def __init__(self, size): "Initialize accumulator" self.size = size self.errors = DefaultBunch(int) = DefaultBunch(int) self.min = DefaultBunch(int) self.max = DefaultBunch(int) self._basetime = time.time() def __nonzero__(self): "Truth" return bool(
[docs] def add(self, field, val): "Add a sample" if engine.FieldDefinition.FIELDS[field]._matcher is matching.TimeFilter: val = self._basetime - val try:[field] += val self.min[field] = min(self.min[field], val) if field in self.min else val self.max[field] = max(self.max[field], val) except (ValueError, TypeError): self.errors[field] += 1
@property def average(self): "Calculate average" result = DefaultBunch(str) # Calculate average if possible if self.size: result.update( (key, '' if isinstance(val, basestring) else val / self.size) for key, val in ) # Handle time fields #for key, fielddef in engine.FieldDefinition.FIELDS.items(): # if key in result and fielddef._matcher is matching.TimeFilter: # result[key] = '' #for key, fielddef in engine.FieldDefinition.FIELDS.items(): # if key in result and fielddef._matcher is matching.TimeFilter: # result[key] = engine._fmt_duration(result[key]) #print #print result return result
[docs]class RtorrentControl(ScriptBaseWithConfig): ### Keep things wrapped to fit under this comment... ############################## """ Control and inspect rTorrent from the command line. Filter expressions take the form "<field>=<value>", and all expressions must be met (AND). If a field name is omitted, "name" is assumed. You can also use uppercase OR to build a list of alternative conditions. For numeric fields, a leading "+" means greater than, a leading "-" means less than. For string fields, the value is a glob pattern (*, ?, [a-z], [!a-z]), or a regex match enclosed by slashes. All string comparisons are case-ignoring. Multiple values separated by a comma indicate several possible choices (OR). "!" in front of a filter value negates it (NOT). See for more. Examples: - All 1:1 seeds ratio=+1 - All active torrents xfer=+0 - All seeding torrents up=+0 - Slow torrents down=+0 down=-5k - Older than 2 weeks completed=+2w - Big stuff size=+4g - 1:1 seeds not on NAS ratio=+1 'realpath=!/mnt/*' - Music kind=flac,mp3 """ # argument description for the usage information ARGS_HELP = "<filter>..." # additonal stuff appended after the command handler's docstring ADDITIONAL_HELP = ["", "", "Use --help to get a list of all options.", "Use --help-fields to list all fields and their description.", ] # additional values for output formatting FORMATTER_DEFAULTS = dict( now=time.time(), ) # choices for --ignore IGNORE_OPTIONS = ('0', '1') # choices for --prio PRIO_OPTIONS = ('0', '1', '2', '3') # action options that perform some change on selected items ACTION_MODES = ( Bunch(name="start", options=("--start",), help="start torrent"), Bunch(name="close", options=("--close", "--stop"), help="stop torrent", method="stop"), Bunch(name="hash_check", label="HASH", options=("-H", "--hash-check"), help="hash-check torrent", interactive=True), # TODO: Bunch(name="announce", options=("--announce",), help="announce right now", interactive=True), # TODO: --pause, --resume? # TODO: implement --clean-partial #self.add_bool_option("--clean-partial", # help="remove partially downloaded 'off'ed files (also stops downloads)") Bunch(name="delete", options=("--delete",), help="remove torrent from client", interactive=True), Bunch(name="purge", options=("--purge", "--delete-partial"), help="delete PARTIAL data files and remove torrent from client", interactive=True), Bunch(name="cull", options=("--cull", "--exterminate", "--delete-all"), help="delete ALL data files and remove torrent from client", interactive=True), Bunch(name="throttle", options=("-T", "--throttle",), argshelp="NAME", method="set_throttle", help="assign to named throttle group (NULL=unlimited, NONE=global)", interactive=True), Bunch(name="tag", options=("--tag",), argshelp='"TAG +TAG -TAG..."', help="add or remove tag(s)", interactive=False), Bunch(name="custom", label="SET_CUSTOM", options=("--custom",), argshelp='KEY=VALUE', method="set_custom", help="set value of 'custom_KEY' field (KEY might also be 1..5)", interactive=False), Bunch(name="exec", label="EXEC", options=("--exec", "--xmlrpc"), argshelp='CMD', method="execute", help="execute XMLRPC command pattern", interactive=True), # TODO: --move / --link output_format / the formatted result is the target path # if the target contains a '//' in place of a '/', directories # after that are auto-created # "--move tracker_dated", with a custom output format # like "tracker_dated = ~/done//$(alias)s/$(completed).7s", # will move to ~/done/OBT/2010-08 for example # self.add_value_option("--move", "TARGET", # help="move data to given target directory (implies -i, can be combined with --delete)") # TODO: --copy, and --move/--link across devices ) def __init__(self): """ Initialize rtcontrol. """ super(RtorrentControl, self).__init__() self.prompt = PromptDecorator(self) self.plain_output_format = False
[docs] def add_options(self): """ Add program options. """ super(RtorrentControl, self).add_options() # basic options self.add_bool_option("--help-fields", help="show available fields and their description") self.add_bool_option("-n", "--dry-run", help="don't commit changes, just tell what would happen") self.add_bool_option("--detach", help="run the process in the background") self.prompt.add_options() # output control self.add_bool_option("-S", "--shell", help="escape output following shell rules") self.add_bool_option("-0", "--nul", "--print0", help="use a NUL character instead of a linebreak after items") self.add_bool_option("-c", "--column-headers", help="print column headers") self.add_bool_option("-+", "--stats", help="add sum / avg / median of numerical fields") self.add_bool_option("--summary", help="print only statistical summary, without the items") #self.add_bool_option("-f", "--full", # help="print full torrent details") self.add_bool_option("--json", help="dump all items as JSON (use '-o f1,f2,...' to specify fields)") self.add_value_option("-o", "--output-format", "FORMAT", help="specify display format (use '-o-' to disable item display)") self.add_value_option("-O", "--output-template", "FILE", help="pass control of output formatting to the specified template") self.add_value_option("-s", "--sort-fields", "[-]FIELD[,...] [-s...]", action='append', default=[], help="fields used for sorting, descending if prefixed with a '-'; '-s*' uses output field list") self.add_bool_option("-r", "--reverse-sort", help="reverse the sort order") self.add_value_option("-A", "--anneal", "MODE [-A...]", type='choice', action='append', default=[], choices=('dupes+', 'dupes-', 'dupes=', 'invert', 'unique'), help="modify result set using some pre-defined methods") self.add_value_option("-/", "--select", "[N-]M", help="select result subset by item position (counting from 1)") self.add_bool_option("-V", "--view-only", help="show search result only in default ncurses view") self.add_value_option("--to-view", "NAME", help="show search result only in named ncurses view") self.add_bool_option("--tee-view", help="ADDITIONALLY show search results in ncurses view (modifies -V and --to-view behaviour)") self.add_value_option("--from-view", "NAME", help="select only items that are on view NAME (NAME can be an info hash to quickly select a single item)") self.add_value_option("-M", "--modify-view", "NAME", help="get items from given view and write result back to it (short-cut to combine --from-view and --to-view)") self.add_value_option("-Q", "--fast-query", "LEVEL", type='choice', default='=', choices=('=', '0', '1', '2'), help="enable query optimization (=: use config; 0: off; 1: safe; 2: danger seeker)") self.add_value_option("--call", "CMD", help="call an OS command pattern in the shell") self.add_value_option("--spawn", "CMD [--spawn ...]", action="append", default=[], help="execute OS command pattern(s) directly") # TODO: implement -S # self.add_bool_option("-S", "--summary", # help="print statistics") # torrent state change (actions) for action in self.ACTION_MODES: action.setdefault("label", action.setdefault("method", action.setdefault("interactive", False) action.setdefault("argshelp", "") action.setdefault("args", ()) if action.argshelp: self.add_value_option(*action.options + (action.argshelp,), **{"help": + (" (implies -i)" if action.interactive else "")}) else: self.add_bool_option(*action.options, **{"help": + (" (implies -i)" if action.interactive else "")}) self.add_value_option("--ignore", "|".join(self.IGNORE_OPTIONS), type="choice", choices=self.IGNORE_OPTIONS, help="set 'ignore commands' status on torrent") self.add_value_option("--prio", "|".join(self.PRIO_OPTIONS), type="choice", choices=self.PRIO_OPTIONS, help="set priority of torrent") self.add_bool_option("-F", "--flush", help="flush changes immediately (save session data)")
[docs] def help_completion_fields(self): """ Return valid field names. """ for name, field in sorted(engine.FieldDefinition.FIELDS.items()): if issubclass(field._matcher, matching.BoolFilter): yield "%s=no" % (name,) yield "%s=yes" % (name,) continue elif issubclass(field._matcher, matching.PatternFilter): yield "%s=" % (name,) yield "%s=/" % (name,) yield "%s=?" % (name,) yield "%s=\"'*'\"" % (name,) continue elif issubclass(field._matcher, matching.NumericFilterBase): for i in range(10): yield "%s=%d" % (name, i) else: yield "%s=" % (name,) yield r"%s=+" % (name,) yield r"%s=-" % (name,) yield "custom_" yield "kind_"
# TODO: refactor to engine.TorrentProxy as format() method
[docs] def format_item(self, item, defaults=None, stencil=None): """ Format an item. """ try: item_text = fmt.to_console(formatting.format_item(self.options.output_format, item, defaults)) except (NameError, ValueError, TypeError), exc: self.fatal("Trouble with formatting item %r\n\n FORMAT = %r\n\n REASON =" % (item, self.options.output_format), exc) raise # in --debug mode # Escape for shell use? def shell_escape(text, safe=re.compile(r"^[-._,+a-zA-Z0-9]+$")): "Escape helper" return text if safe.match(text) else "'%s'" % text.replace("'", r"'\''") if item_text = '\t'.join(shell_escape(i) for i in item_text.split('\t')) # Justify headers according to stencil if stencil: item_text = '\t'.join(i.ljust(len(s)) for i, s in zip(item_text.split('\t'), stencil)) return item_text
[docs] def emit(self, item, defaults=None, stencil=None, to_log=False, item_formatter=None): """ Print an item to stdout, or the log on INFO level. """ item_text = self.format_item(item, defaults, stencil) # Post-process line? if item_formatter: item_text = item_formatter(item_text) # For a header, use configured escape codes on a terminal if item is None and os.isatty(sys.stdout.fileno()): item_text = ''.join((config.output_header_ecma48, item_text, "\x1B[0m")) # Dump to selected target if to_log: if callable(to_log): to_log(item_text) else: elif self.options.nul: sys.stdout.write(item_text + '\0') sys.stdout.flush() else: print(item_text) return item_text.count('\n') + 1
# TODO: refactor to formatting.OutputMapping as a class method
[docs] def validate_output_format(self, default_format): """ Prepare output format for later use. """ output_format = self.options.output_format # Use default format if none is given if output_format is None: output_format = default_format # Check if it's a custom output format from configuration # (they take precedence over field names, so name them wisely) output_format = config.formats.get(output_format, output_format) # Expand plain field list to usable form if re.match(r"^[,._0-9a-zA-Z]+$", output_format): self.plain_output_format = True output_format = "%%(%s)s" % ")s\t%(".join(formatting.validate_field_list(output_format, allow_fmt_specs=True)) # Replace some escape sequences output_format = (output_format .replace(r"\\", "\\") .replace(r"\n", "\n") .replace(r"\t", "\t") .replace(r"\$", "\0") # the next 3 allow using $() instead of %() .replace("$(", "%(") .replace("\0", "$") .replace(r"\ ", " ") # to prevent stripping in config file #.replace(r"\", "\") ) self.options.output_format = formatting.preparse(output_format)
# TODO: refactor to engine.FieldDefinition as a class method
[docs] def get_output_fields(self): """ Get field names from output template. """ # Re-engineer list from output format # XXX TODO: Would be better to use a FieldRecorder class to catch the full field names emit_fields = list(i.lower() for i in re.sub(r"[^_A-Z]+", ' ', self.format_item(None)).split()) # Validate result result = [] for name in emit_fields[:]: if name not in engine.FieldDefinition.FIELDS: self.LOG.warn("Omitted unknown name '%s' from statistics and output format sorting" % name) else: result.append(name) return result
[docs] def validate_sort_fields(self): """ Take care of sorting. """ sort_fields = ','.join(self.options.sort_fields) if sort_fields == '*': sort_fields = self.get_output_fields() return formatting.validate_sort_fields(sort_fields or config.sort_fields)
[docs] def show_in_view(self, sourceview, matches, targetname=None): """ Show search result in ncurses view. """ targetname =, targetname or self.options.to_view or "rtcontrol") msg = "Filtered %d out of %d torrents using [ %s ]" % ( len(matches), sourceview.size(), sourceview.matcher)"%s into rTorrent view %r." % (msg, targetname)) config.engine.log(msg)
[docs] def anneal(self, mode, matches, orig_matches): """ Perform post-processing. Return True when any changes were applied. """ changed = False def dupes_in_matches(): """Generator for index of matches that are dupes.""" items_by_path = config.engine.group_by('realpath') hashes = set([x.hash for x in matches]) for idx, item in enumerate(matches): same_path_but_not_in_matches = any( x.hash not in hashes for x in items_by_path.get(item.realpath, []) ) if item.realpath and same_path_but_not_in_matches: yield idx if mode == 'dupes+': items_by_path = config.engine.group_by('realpath') hashes = set([x.hash for x in matches]) dupes = [] for item in matches: if item.realpath: # Add all items with the same path that are missing for dupe in items_by_path.get(item.realpath, []): if dupe.hash not in hashes: changed = True dupes.append(dupe) hashes.add(dupe.hash) matches.extend(dupes) elif mode == 'dupes-': for idx in reversed(list(dupes_in_matches())): changed = True del matches[idx] elif mode == 'dupes=': items_by_path = config.engine.group_by('realpath') dupes = list(i for i in matches if i.realpath and len(items_by_path.get(i.realpath, [])) > 1) if len(dupes) != len(matches): changed = True matches[:] = dupes elif mode == 'invert': hashes = set([x.hash for x in matches]) changed = True matches[:] = list(i for i in orig_matches if i.hash not in hashes) elif mode == 'unique': seen, dupes = set(), [] for i, item in enumerate(matches): if in seen: changed = True dupes.append(i) seen.add( for i in reversed(dupes): del matches[i] else: raise RuntimeError('Internal Error: Unknown anneal mode ' + mode) return changed
[docs] def mainloop(self): """ The main loop. """ # Print field definitions? if self.options.help_fields: self.parser.print_help() print_help_fields() sys.exit(1) # Print usage if no conditions are provided if not self.args: self.parser.error("No filter conditions given!") # Check special action options actions = [] if self.options.ignore: actions.append(Bunch(name="ignore", method="ignore", label="IGNORE" if int(self.options.ignore) else "HEED", help="commands on torrent", interactive=False, args=(self.options.ignore,))) if self.options.prio: actions.append(Bunch(name="prio", method="set_prio", label="PRIO" + str(self.options.prio), help="for torrent", interactive=False, args=(self.options.prio,))) # Check standard action options # TODO: Allow certain combinations of actions (like --tag foo --stop etc.) # How do we get a sensible order of execution? for action_mode in self.ACTION_MODES: if getattr(self.options, if actions: self.parser.error("Options --%s and --%s are mutually exclusive" % ( ", --".join('_', '-') for i in actions),'_', '-'), )) if action_mode.argshelp: action_mode.args = (getattr(self.options,,) actions.append(action_mode) if not actions and self.options.flush: actions.append(Bunch(name="flush", method="flush", label="FLUSH", help="flush session data", interactive=False, args=())) self.options.flush = False # No need to flush twice if any(i.interactive for i in actions): self.options.interactive = True # Reduce results according to index range selection = None if try: if '-' in selection = tuple(int(i or default, 10) for i, default in zip('-', 1), ("1", "-1"))) else: selection = 1, int(, 10) except (ValueError, TypeError), exc: self.fatal("Bad selection '%s' (%s)" % (, exc)) # print repr(config.engine) # # print repr(config.engine) # Preparation steps if self.options.fast_query != '=': config.fast_query = int(self.options.fast_query) raw_output_format = self.options.output_format default_output_format = "default" if actions: default_output_format = "action_cron" if self.options.cron else "action" self.validate_output_format(default_output_format) sort_key = self.validate_sort_fields() matcher = matching.ConditionParser(engine.FieldDefinition.lookup, "name").parse(self.args) self.LOG.debug("Matcher is: %s" % matcher) # Detach to background? # This MUST happen before the next step, when we connect to the torrent client if self.options.detach: config.engine.load_config() osmagic.daemonize(logfile=config.log_execute) time.sleep(.05) # let things settle a little # View handling if self.options.modify_view: if self.options.from_view or self.options.to_view: self.fatal("You cannot combine --modify-view with --from-view or --to-view") self.options.from_view = self.options.to_view = self.options.modify_view # Find matching torrents view = config.engine.view(self.options.from_view, matcher) matches = list(view.items()) orig_matches = matches[:] matches.sort(key=sort_key, reverse=self.options.reverse_sort) if self.options.anneal: if self.options.from_view not in (None, 'default'): self.LOG.warn("Mixing --anneal with a view other than 'default' might yield unexpected results!") if int(config.fast_query): self.LOG.warn("Using --anneal together with the query optimizer might yield unexpected results!") for mode in self.options.anneal: if self.anneal(mode, matches, orig_matches): matches.sort(key=sort_key, reverse=self.options.reverse_sort) if selection: matches = matches[selection[0]-1:selection[1]] if not matches: # Think "404 NOT FOUND", but then exit codes should be < 256 self.return_code = 44 # Build header stencil stencil = None if self.options.column_headers and self.plain_output_format and matches: stencil = fmt.to_console(formatting.format_item( self.options.output_format, matches[0], self.FORMATTER_DEFAULTS)).split('\t') # Tee to ncurses view, if requested if self.options.tee_view and (self.options.to_view or self.options.view_only): self.show_in_view(view, matches) # Generate summary? summary = FieldStatistics(len(matches)) if self.options.stats or self.options.summary: for field in self.get_output_fields(): try: 0 + getattr(matches[0], field) except (TypeError, ValueError, IndexError):[field] = '' else: for item in matches: summary.add(field, getattr(item, field)) def output_formatter(templ, namespace=None): "Output formatting helper" full_ns = dict( version=self.version,, view=view, query=matcher, matches=matches, summary=summary ) full_ns.update(namespace or {}) return formatting.expand_template(templ, full_ns) # Execute action? if actions: action = actions[0] # TODO: loop over it self.LOG.log(logging.DEBUG if self.options.cron else logging.INFO, "%s %s %d out of %d torrents." % ( "Would" if self.options.dry_run else "About to", action.label, len(matches), view.size(), )) defaults = {"action": action.label} defaults.update(self.FORMATTER_DEFAULTS) if self.options.column_headers and matches: self.emit(None, stencil=stencil) # Perform chosen action on matches template_args = [formatting.preparse("{{#tempita}}" + i if "{{" in i else i) for i in action.args] for item in matches: if not self.prompt.ask_bool("%s item %s" % (action.label, continue if (self.options.output_format and not self.options.view_only and str(self.options.output_format) != "-"): self.emit(item, defaults, to_log=self.options.cron) args = tuple([output_formatter(i, namespace=dict(item=item)) for i in template_args]) if self.options.dry_run: if self.options.debug: self.LOG.debug("Would call action %s(*%r)" % (action.method, args)) else: getattr(item, action.method)(*args) if self.options.flush: item.flush() if self.options.view_only: show_in_client = lambda x:, x) self.emit(item, defaults, to_log=show_in_client) # Show in ncurses UI? elif not self.options.tee_view and (self.options.to_view or self.options.view_only): self.show_in_view(view, matches) # Execute OS commands? elif or self.options.spawn: if and self.options.spawn: self.fatal("You cannot mix --call and --spawn") template_cmds = [] if template_cmds.append([formatting.preparse("{{#tempita}}" +]) else: for cmd in self.options.spawn: template_cmds.append([formatting.preparse("{{#tempita}}" + i if "{{" in i else i) for i in shlex.split(str(cmd))]) for item in matches: cmds = [[output_formatter(i, namespace=dict(item=item)) for i in k] for k in template_cmds] cmds = [[i.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(i, unicode) else i for i in k] for k in cmds] if self.options.dry_run:"Would call command(s) %r" % (cmds,)) else: for cmd in cmds: if logged_cmd = cmd[0] else: logged_cmd = '"%s"' % ('" "'.join(cmd),) if self.options.verbose:"Calling: %s" % (logged_cmd,)) try: if subprocess.check_call(cmd[0], shell=True) else: subprocess.check_call(cmd) except subprocess.CalledProcessError, exc: raise error.UserError("Command failed: %s" % (exc,)) except OSError, exc: raise error.UserError("Command failed (%s): %s" % (logged_cmd, exc,)) # Dump as JSON array? elif self.options.json: json_data = matches if raw_output_format: json_fields = raw_output_format.split(',') json_data = [dict([(name, getattr(i, name)) for name in json_fields]) for i in matches] json.dump(json_data, sys.stdout, indent=2, separators=(',', ': '), sort_keys=True, cls=pymagic.JSONEncoder) sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.flush() # Show via template? elif self.options.output_template: output_template = self.options.output_template if not output_template.startswith("file:"): output_template = "file:" + output_template sys.stdout.write(output_formatter(output_template)) sys.stdout.flush() # Show on console? elif self.options.output_format and str(self.options.output_format) != "-": if not self.options.summary: line_count = 0 for item in matches: # Emit a header line every 'output_header_frequency' lines if self.options.column_headers and line_count % config.output_header_frequency == 0: self.emit(None, stencil=stencil) # Print matching item line_count += self.emit(item, self.FORMATTER_DEFAULTS) # Print summary? if matches and summary: self.emit(None, stencil=stencil) self.emit(, item_formatter=lambda i: i.rstrip() + " [SUM of %d item(s)]" % len(matches)) self.emit(summary.min, item_formatter=lambda i: i.rstrip() + " [MIN of %d item(s)]" % len(matches)) self.emit(summary.average, item_formatter=lambda i: i.rstrip() + " [AVG of %d item(s)]" % len(matches)) self.emit(summary.max, item_formatter=lambda i: i.rstrip() + " [MAX of %d item(s)]" % len(matches))"Dumped %d out of %d torrents." % (len(matches), view.size(),)) else:"Filtered %d out of %d torrents." % (len(matches), view.size(),)) if self.options.debug and 0: print '\n' + repr(matches[0]) print '\n' + repr(matches[0].files) # XMLRPC stats self.LOG.debug("XMLRPC stats: %s" % config.engine._rpc)
[docs]def run(): #pragma: no cover """ The entry point. """ ScriptBase.setup() RtorrentControl().run()
if __name__ == "__main__": run()