Source code for pyrocore.scripts.mktor

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: disable=
""" Metafile Creator.

    Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, 2011 The PyroScope Project <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
from __future__ import absolute_import

import re
import random

from pyrobase import bencode
from pyrocore import config
from pyrocore.scripts.base import ScriptBase, ScriptBaseWithConfig
from pyrocore.util import metafile, os

[docs]class MetafileCreator(ScriptBaseWithConfig): """ Create a bittorrent metafile. If passed a magnet URI as the only argument, a metafile is created in the directory specified via the configuration value 'magnet_watch', loadable by rTorrent. Which means you can register 'mktor' as a magnet: URL handler in Firefox. """ # argument description for the usage information ARGS_HELP = "<dir-or-file> <tracker-url-or-alias>... | <magnet-uri>" ENTROPY_BITS = 512
[docs] def add_options(self): """ Add program options. """ super(MetafileCreator, self).add_options() self.add_bool_option("-p", "--private", help="disallow DHT and PEX") self.add_bool_option("--no-date", help="leave out creation date") self.add_value_option("-o", "--output-filename", "PATH", help="optional file name (or target directory) for the metafile") self.add_value_option("-r", "--root-name", "NAME", help="optional root name (default is basename of the data path)") self.add_value_option("-x", "--exclude", "PATTERN [-x ...]", action="append", default=[], help="exclude files matching a glob pattern from hashing") self.add_value_option("--comment", "TEXT", help="optional human-readable comment") self.add_value_option("-s", "--set", "KEY=VAL [-s ...]", action="append", default=[], help="set a specific key to the given value; omit the '=' to delete a key") self.add_bool_option("--no-cross-seed", help="do not automatically add a field to the info dict ensuring unique info hashes") self.add_value_option("-X", "--cross-seed", "LABEL", help="set additional explicit label for cross-seeding" " (changes info hash, use '@entropy' to randomize it)") self.add_bool_option("-H", "--hashed", "--fast-resume", help="create second metafile containing libtorrent fast-resume information")
# TODO: Optionally pass torrent directly to rTorrent (--load / --start) # TODO: Optionally limit disk I/O bandwidth used (incl. a config default!) # TODO: Set "encoding" correctly # TODO: Support multi-tracker extension ("announce-list" field) # TODO: DHT "nodes" field?! [[str IP, int port], ...] # TODO: Web-seeding # field 'url-list': ['http://...'] on top-level
[docs] def make_magnet_meta(self, magnet_uri): """ Create a magnet-uri torrent. """ import cgi import hashlib if magnet_uri.startswith("magnet:"): magnet_uri = magnet_uri[7:] meta = {"magnet-uri": "magnet:" + magnet_uri} magnet_params = cgi.parse_qs(magnet_uri.lstrip('?')) meta_name = magnet_params.get("xt", [hashlib.sha1(magnet_uri).hexdigest()])[0] if "dn" in magnet_params: meta_name = "%s-%s" % (magnet_params["dn"][0], meta_name) meta_name = re.sub(r"[^-_,a-zA-Z0-9]+", '.', meta_name).strip('.').replace("urn.btih.", "") if not config.magnet_watch: self.fatal("You MUST set the 'magnet_watch' config option!") meta_path = os.path.join(config.magnet_watch, "magnet-%s.torrent" % meta_name) self.LOG.debug("Writing magnet-uri metafile %r..." % (meta_path,)) try: bencode.bwrite(meta_path, meta) except EnvironmentError as exc: self.fatal("Error writing magnet-uri metafile %r (%s)" % (meta_path, exc,)) raise
[docs] def mainloop(self): """ The main loop. """ if len(self.args) == 1 and "=urn:btih:" in self.args[0]: # Handle magnet link self.make_magnet_meta(self.args[0]) return if not self.args: self.parser.print_help() self.parser.exit() elif len(self.args) < 2: self.parser.error("Expected a path and at least one announce URL, got: %s" % (' '.join(self.args),)) # Create and configure metafile factory datapath = self.args[0].rstrip(os.sep) metapath = datapath if self.options.output_filename: metapath = self.options.output_filename if os.path.isdir(metapath): metapath = os.path.join(metapath, os.path.basename(datapath)) if not metapath.endswith(".torrent"): metapath += ".torrent" torrent = metafile.Metafile(metapath) torrent.ignore.extend(self.options.exclude) def callback(meta): "Callback to set label and resume data." if self.options.cross_seed: if self.options.cross_seed == "@entropy": meta["info"]["entropy"] = format(random.getrandbits(self.ENTROPY_BITS), 'x').zfill(self.ENTROPY_BITS//4) else: meta["info"]["x_cross_seed_label"] = self.options.cross_seed if self.options.no_cross_seed: del meta["info"]["x_cross_seed"] # Set specific keys? metafile.assign_fields(meta, self.options.set) # Create and write the metafile(s) # TODO: make it work better with multiple trackers (hash only once), also create fast-resume file for each tracker meta = torrent.create(datapath, self.args[1:], progress=None if self.options.quiet else metafile.console_progress(), root_name=self.options.root_name, private=self.options.private, no_date=self.options.no_date, comment=self.options.comment, created_by="PyroScope %s" % self.version, callback=callback ) # Create second metafile with fast-resume? if self.options.hashed: try: metafile.add_fast_resume(meta, datapath) except EnvironmentError as exc: self.fatal("Error making fast-resume data (%s)" % (exc,)) raise hashed_path = re.sub(r"\.torrent$", "", metapath) + "-resume.torrent""Writing fast-resume metafile %r..." % (hashed_path,)) try: bencode.bwrite(hashed_path, meta) except EnvironmentError as exc: self.fatal("Error writing fast-resume metafile %r (%s)" % (hashed_path, exc,)) raise
[docs]def run(): #pragma: no cover """ The entry point. """ ScriptBase.setup() MetafileCreator().run()
if __name__ == "__main__": run()