Source code for pyrocore.util.xmlrpc

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: disable=I0011,W0212
""" RTorrent client proxy.

    Copyright (c) 2011 The PyroScope Project <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
from __future__ import absolute_import

import sys
import time
import xmlrpclib

from import xmlrpc2scgi

from pyrocore import config, error
from pyrocore.util import os, fmt, pymagic

NOHASH = ''  # use named constant to make new-syntax commands with no hash easily searchable

[docs]class XmlRpcError(Exception): """Base class for XMLRPC protocol errors.""" def __init__(self, msg, *args): Exception.__init__(self, msg, *args) self.message = msg.format(*args) self.faultString = self.message self.faultCode = -500 def __str__(self): return self.message
[docs]class HashNotFound(XmlRpcError): """Non-existing or disappeared hash.""" def __init__(self, msg, *args): XmlRpcError.__init__(self, msg, *args) self.faultCode = -404
# Currently, we don't have our own errors, so just copy it ERRORS = (XmlRpcError,) + xmlrpc2scgi.ERRORS
[docs]class RTorrentMethod(object): """ Collect attribute accesses to build the final method name. """ # Actually, many more methods might need a fake target added; but these are the ones we call... NEEDS_FAKE_TARGET = set(( "ui.current_view.set", "view_filter", )) def __init__(self, proxy, method_name): self._proxy = proxy self._method_name = method_name def __getattr__(self, attr): """ Append attr to the existing method name. """ self._method_name += '.' + attr return self def __str__(self): """ Return statistics for this call. """ return "out %s, in %s, took %.3fms/%.3fms" % ( fmt.human_size(self._outbound).strip(), fmt.human_size(self._inbound).strip(), self._net_latency * 1000.0, self._latency * 1000.0, ) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Execute the method call. `raw_xml=True` returns the unparsed XML-RPC response. `flatten=True` removes one nesting level in a result list (useful for multicalls). """ self._proxy._requests += 1 start = time.time() raw_xml = kwargs.get("raw_xml", False) flatten = kwargs.get("flatten", False) fail_silently = kwargs.get("fail_silently", False) try: # Map multicall arguments if not self._proxy._use_deprecated: if self._method_name.endswith(".multicall") or self._method_name.endswith(".multicall.filtered"): if self._method_name in ("d.multicall", "d.multicall.filtered"): args = (0,) + args if config.debug: self._proxy.LOG.debug("BEFORE MAPPING: %r" % (args,)) if self._method_name == "system.multicall": for call in args[0]: call["methodName"] = self._proxy._map_call(call["methodName"]) else: args = args[0:2] + tuple(self._proxy._map_call(i) for i in args[2:]) if config.debug: self._proxy.LOG.debug("AFTER MAPPING: %r" % (args,)) elif self._method_name in self.NEEDS_FAKE_TARGET: args = (0,) + args # Prepare request xmlreq = xmlrpclib.dumps(args, self._proxy._map_call(self._method_name)) ##xmlreq = xmlreq.replace('\n', '') self._outbound = len(xmlreq) self._proxy._outbound += self._outbound self._proxy._outbound_max = max(self._proxy._outbound_max, self._outbound) if config.debug: self._proxy.LOG.debug("XMLRPC raw request: %r" % xmlreq) # Send it scgi_req = xmlrpc2scgi.SCGIRequest(self._proxy._transport) xmlresp = scgi_req.send(xmlreq) self._inbound = len(xmlresp) self._proxy._inbound += self._inbound self._proxy._inbound_max = max(self._proxy._inbound_max, self._inbound) self._net_latency = scgi_req.latency self._proxy._net_latency += self._net_latency # Return raw XML response? if raw_xml: return xmlresp # This fixes a bug with the Python xmlrpclib module # (has no handler for <i8> in some versions) xmlresp = xmlresp.replace("<i8>", "<i4>").replace("</i8>", "</i4>") try: # Deserialize data result = xmlrpclib.loads(xmlresp)[0][0] except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): # Don't catch these raise except: exc_type, exc = sys.exc_info()[:2] if exc_type is xmlrpclib.Fault and exc.faultCode == -501 and exc.faultString == 'Could not find info-hash.': raise HashNotFound("Unknown hash for {}({}) @ {}", self._method_name, args[0] if args else '', self._proxy._url) if not fail_silently: # Dump the bad packet, then re-raise filename = "/tmp/xmlrpc2scgi-%s.xml" % os.getuid() handle = open(filename, "w") try: handle.write("REQUEST\n") handle.write(xmlreq) handle.write("\nRESPONSE\n") handle.write(xmlresp) print >>sys.stderr, "INFO: Bad data packets written to %r" % filename finally: handle.close() raise else: return sum(result, []) if flatten else result finally: # Calculate latency self._latency = time.time() - start self._proxy._latency += self._latency if config.debug: self._proxy.LOG.debug("%s(%s) took %.3f secs" % ( self._method_name, ", ".join(repr(i) for i in args), self._latency ))
[docs]class RTorrentProxy(object): """ Proxy to rTorrent's XMLRPC interface. Method calls are built from attribute accesses, i.e. you can do something like C{proxy.system.client_version()}. """ def __init__(self, url, mapping=None): self.LOG = pymagic.get_class_logger(self) self._url = url self._transport = xmlrpc2scgi.transport_from_url(url) self._versions = ("", "") self._version_info = () self._use_deprecated = True self._mapping = mapping or config.xmlrpc self._fix_mappings() # Statistics (traffic w/o HTTP overhead) self._requests = 0 self._outbound = 0 self._outbound_max = 0 self._inbound = 0 self._inbound_max = 0 self._latency = 0.0 self._net_latency = 0.0 def __str__(self): """ Return statistics. """ return "%d req, out %s [%s max], in %s [%s max], %.3fms/%.3fms avg latency" % ( self._requests, fmt.human_size(self._outbound).strip(), fmt.human_size(self._outbound_max).strip(), fmt.human_size(self._inbound).strip(), fmt.human_size(self._inbound_max).strip(), self._net_latency * 1000.0 / self._requests, self._latency * 1000.0 / self._requests, ) def _set_mappings(self): """ Set command mappings according to rTorrent version. """ try: self._versions = (self.system.client_version(), self.system.library_version(),) self._version_info = tuple(int(i) for i in self._versions[0].split('.')) self._use_deprecated = self._version_info < (0, 8, 7) # Merge mappings for this version self._mapping = self._mapping.copy() for key, val in sorted(i for i in vars(config).items() if i[0].startswith("xmlrpc_")): map_version = tuple(int(i) for i in key.split('_')[1:]) if map_version <= self._version_info: if config.debug: self.LOG.debug("MAPPING for %r added: %r" % (map_version, val)) self._mapping.update(val) self._fix_mappings() except ERRORS as exc: raise error.LoggableError("Can't connect to %s (%s)" % (self._url, exc)) return self._versions, self._version_info def _fix_mappings(self): """ Add computed stuff to mappings. """ self._mapping.update((key+'=', val+'=') for key, val in self._mapping.items() if not key.endswith('=')) if config.debug: self.LOG.debug("CMD MAPPINGS ARE: %r" % (self._mapping,)) def _map_call(self, cmd): """ Map old to new command names. """ if config.debug and cmd != self._mapping.get(cmd, cmd): self.LOG.debug("MAP %s ==> %s" % (cmd, self._mapping[cmd])) cmd = self._mapping.get(cmd, cmd) # These we do by code, to avoid lengthy lists in the config if not self._use_deprecated and any(cmd.startswith(i) for i in ("d.get_", "f.get_", "p.get_", "t.get_")): cmd = cmd[:2] + cmd[6:] return cmd def __getattr__(self, attr): """ Return a method object for accesses to virtual attributes. """ return RTorrentMethod(self, attr) def __repr__(self): """ Return info & statistics. """ return "%s(%r) [%s]" % (self.__class__.__name__, self._url, self)