Source code for pyrocore.util.metafile

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: disable=
""" Metafile Support.

    Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, 2011 The PyroScope Project <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
from __future__ import with_statement
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import re
import sys
import time
import stat
import math
import errno
import pprint
import fnmatch
import hashlib
import urlparse

from pyrobase import bencode
from import Bunch
from pyrocore import config, error
from pyrocore.util import os, fmt, pymagic

# Allowed characters in a metafile filename or path
ALLOWED_ROOT_NAME = re.compile(r"^[^/\\.~][^/\\]*$") # cannot be absolute or ~user, and cannot have path parts
ALLOWED_PATH_NAME = re.compile(r"^(?:~\d+)?[^/\\~][^/\\]*$")

# Character sequences considered secret (roughly, any path part or query parameter
# that looks like an alphanumeric sequence or url-safe base64 string)
PASSKEY_RE = re.compile(r"(?<=[/=])[-_0-9a-zA-Z]{5,64}={0,3}(?=[/&]|$)")

# Non-secret exemptions
PASSKEY_OK = ("announce", "TrackerServlet",)

# List of all standard keys in a metafile
METAFILE_STD_KEYS = [_i.split('.') for _i in (
    "announce-list", # BEP-0012
    "created by",
    "creation date",
    "info.piece length",

del _i  # pylint: disable=undefined-loop-variable

[docs]def console_progress(): """ Return a progress indicator for consoles if stdout is a tty. """ def progress(totalhashed, totalsize): "Helper" msg = " " * 30 if totalhashed < totalsize: msg = "%5.1f%% complete" % (totalhashed * 100.0 / totalsize) sys.stdout.write(msg + " \r") sys.stdout.flush() try: return progress if sys.stdout.isatty() else None except AttributeError: return None
[docs]def mask_keys(announce_url): """ Mask any passkeys (hex sequences) in an announce URL. """ return PASSKEY_RE.sub( lambda m: if in PASSKEY_OK else "*" * len(, announce_url)
[docs]class MaskingPrettyPrinter(pprint.PrettyPrinter): """ A PrettyPrinter that masks strings in the object tree. """
[docs] def format(self, obj, context, maxlevels, level): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """ Mask obj if it looks like an URL, then pass it to the super class. """ if isinstance(obj, basestring) and "://" in fmt.to_unicode(obj): obj = mask_keys(obj) return pprint.PrettyPrinter.format(self, obj, context, maxlevels, level)
[docs]def check_info(info): """ Validate info dict. Raise ValueError if validation fails. """ if not isinstance(info, dict): raise ValueError("bad metainfo - not a dictionary") pieces = info.get("pieces") if not isinstance(pieces, basestring) or len(pieces) % 20 != 0: raise ValueError("bad metainfo - bad pieces key") piece_size = info.get("piece length") if not isinstance(piece_size, (int, long)) or piece_size <= 0: raise ValueError("bad metainfo - illegal piece length") name = info.get("name") if not isinstance(name, basestring): raise ValueError("bad metainfo - bad name (type is %r)" % type(name).__name__) if not ALLOWED_ROOT_NAME.match(name): raise ValueError("name %s disallowed for security reasons" % name) if ("files" in info) == ("length" in info): raise ValueError("single/multiple file mix") if "length" in info: length = info.get("length") if not isinstance(length, (int, long)) or length < 0: raise ValueError("bad metainfo - bad length") else: files = info.get("files") if not isinstance(files, (list, tuple)): raise ValueError("bad metainfo - bad file list") for item in files: if not isinstance(item, dict): raise ValueError("bad metainfo - bad file value") length = item.get("length") if not isinstance(length, (int, long)) or length < 0: raise ValueError("bad metainfo - bad length") path = item.get("path") if not isinstance(path, (list, tuple)) or not path: raise ValueError("bad metainfo - bad path") for part in path: if not isinstance(part, basestring): raise ValueError("bad metainfo - bad path dir") part = fmt.to_unicode(part) if part == '..': raise ValueError("relative path in %s disallowed for security reasons" % '/'.join(path)) if part and not ALLOWED_PATH_NAME.match(part): raise ValueError("path %s disallowed for security reasons" % part) file_paths = [os.sep.join(item["path"]) for item in files] if len(set(file_paths)) != len(file_paths): raise ValueError("bad metainfo - duplicate path") return info
[docs]def check_meta(meta): """ Validate meta dict. Raise ValueError if validation fails. """ if not isinstance(meta, dict): raise ValueError("bad metadata - not a dictionary") if not isinstance(meta.get("announce"), basestring): raise ValueError("bad announce URL - not a string") check_info(meta.get("info")) return meta
[docs]def clean_meta(meta, including_info=False, logger=None): """ Clean meta dict. Optionally log changes using the given logger. @param logger: If given, a callable accepting a string message. @return: Set of keys removed from C{meta}. """ modified = set() for key in meta.keys(): if [key] not in METAFILE_STD_KEYS: if logger: logger("Removing key %r..." % (key,)) del meta[key] modified.add(key) if including_info: for key in meta["info"].keys(): if ["info", key] not in METAFILE_STD_KEYS: if logger: logger("Removing key %r..." % ("info." + key,)) del meta["info"][key] modified.add("info." + key) for idx, entry in enumerate(meta["info"].get("files", [])): for key in entry.keys(): if ["info", "files", key] not in METAFILE_STD_KEYS: if logger: logger("Removing key %r from file #%d..." % (key, idx + 1)) del entry[key] modified.add("info.files." + key) # Remove crap that certain PHP software puts in paths entry["path"] = [i for i in entry["path"] if i] return modified
[docs]def sanitize(meta): """ Try to fix common problems, especially transcode non-standard string encodings. """ def sane_encoding(text): "Transcoding helper." for encoding in ('utf-8', meta.get('encoding', None), 'cp1252'): if encoding: try: return text.decode(encoding).encode("utf-8") except UnicodeError: continue else: # Broken beyond anything reasonable return str(text, 'utf-8', 'replace').replace('\ufffd', '_').encode("utf-8") # Go through all string fields and check them for field in ("comment", "created by"): if field in meta: meta[field] = sane_encoding(meta[field]) meta["info"]["name"] = sane_encoding(meta["info"]["name"]) for entry in meta["info"].get("files", []): entry["path"] = [sane_encoding(i) for i in entry["path"]] return meta
[docs]def assign_fields(meta, assignments): """ Takes a list of C{key=value} strings and assigns them to the given metafile. If you want to set nested keys (e.g. "info.source"), you have to use a dot as a separator. For exotic keys *containing* a dot, double that dot ("dotted..key"). Numeric values starting with "+" or "-" are converted to integers. If just a key name is given (no '='), the field is removed. """ for assignment in assignments: try: if '=' in assignment: field, val = assignment.split('=', 1) else: field, val = assignment, None if val and val[0] in "+-" and val[1:].isdigit(): val = int(val, 10) # TODO: Allow numerical indices, and "+" for append namespace = meta keypath = [i.replace('\0', '.') for i in field.replace('..', '\0').split('.')] for key in keypath[:-1]: # Create missing dicts as we go... namespace = namespace.setdefault(key, {}) except (KeyError, IndexError, TypeError, ValueError) as exc: raise error.UserError("Bad assignment %r (%s)!" % (assignment, exc)) else: if val is None: del namespace[keypath[-1]] else: namespace[keypath[-1]] = val return meta
[docs]def add_fast_resume(meta, datapath): """ Add fast resume data to a metafile dict. """ # Get list of files files = meta["info"].get("files", None) single = files is None if single: if os.path.isdir(datapath): datapath = os.path.join(datapath, meta["info"]["name"]) files = [Bunch( path=[os.path.abspath(datapath)], length=meta["info"]["length"], )] # Prepare resume data resume = meta.setdefault("libtorrent_resume", {}) resume["bitfield"] = len(meta["info"]["pieces"]) // 20 resume["files"] = [] piece_length = meta["info"]["piece length"] offset = 0 for fileinfo in files: # Get the path into the filesystem filepath = os.sep.join(fileinfo["path"]) if not single: filepath = os.path.join(datapath, filepath.strip(os.sep)) # Check file size if os.path.getsize(filepath) != fileinfo["length"]: raise OSError(errno.EINVAL, "File size mismatch for %r [is %d, expected %d]" % ( filepath, os.path.getsize(filepath), fileinfo["length"], )) # Add resume data for this file resume["files"].append(dict( priority=1, mtime=int(os.path.getmtime(filepath)), completed=(offset+fileinfo["length"]+piece_length-1) // piece_length - offset // piece_length, )) offset += fileinfo["length"] return meta
[docs]def info_hash(metadata): """ Return info hash as a string. """ return hashlib.sha1(bencode.bencode(metadata['info'])).hexdigest().upper()
[docs]def data_size(metadata): """ Calculate the size of a torrent based on parsed metadata. """ info = metadata['info'] if 'length' in info: # Single file total_size = info['length'] else: # Directory structure total_size = sum([f['length'] for f in info['files']]) return total_size
[docs]def checked_open(filename, log=None, quiet=False): """ Open and validate the given metafile. Optionally provide diagnostics on the passed logger, for invalid metafiles, which then just cause a warning but no exception. "quiet" can supress that warning. """ with open(filename, "rb") as handle: raw_data = data = bencode.bdecode(raw_data) try: check_meta(data) if raw_data != bencode.bencode(data): raise ValueError("Bad bencoded data - dict keys out of order?") except ValueError as exc: if log: # Warn about it, unless it's a quiet value query if not quiet: log.warn("%s: %s" % (filename, exc)) else: raise return data
[docs]class Metafile(object): """ A torrent metafile. """ # Patterns of names to ignore IGNORE_GLOB = [ "core", "CVS", ".*", "*~", "*.swp", "*.tmp", "*.bak", "[Tt]humbs.db", "[Dd]esktop.ini", "ehthumbs_vista.db", ] def __init__(self, filename, datapath=None): """ Initialize metafile. """ self.filename = filename self.progress = None self.datapath = datapath self.ignore = self.IGNORE_GLOB[:] self.LOG = pymagic.get_class_logger(self) def _get_datapath(self): """ Get a valid datapath, else raise an exception. """ if self._datapath is None: raise OSError(errno.ENOENT, "You didn't provide any datapath for %r" % self.filename) return self._datapath def _set_datapath(self, datapath): """ Set a datapath. """ if datapath: self._datapath = datapath.rstrip(os.sep) self._fifo = int(stat.S_ISFIFO(os.stat(self.datapath).st_mode)) else: self._datapath = None self._fifo = False datapath = property(_get_datapath, _set_datapath)
[docs] def walk(self): """ Generate paths in "self.datapath". """ # FIFO? if self._fifo: if self._fifo > 1: raise RuntimeError("INTERNAL ERROR: FIFO read twice!") self._fifo += 1 # Read paths relative to directory containing the FIFO with open(self.datapath, "r") as fifo: while True: relpath = fifo.readline().rstrip('\n') if not relpath: # EOF? break self.LOG.debug("Read relative path %r from FIFO..." % (relpath,)) yield os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.datapath), relpath) self.LOG.debug("FIFO %r closed!" % (self.datapath,)) # Directory? elif os.path.isdir(self.datapath): # Walk the directory tree for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(self.datapath): #, followlinks=True): # Don't scan blacklisted directories for bad in dirnames[:]: if any(fnmatch.fnmatch(bad, pattern) for pattern in self.ignore): dirnames.remove(bad) # Yield all filenames that aren't blacklisted for filename in filenames: if not any(fnmatch.fnmatch(filename, pattern) for pattern in self.ignore): #yield os.path.join(dirpath[len(self.datapath)+1:], filename) yield os.path.join(dirpath, filename) # Single file else: # Yield the filename yield self.datapath
def _calc_size(self): """ Get total size of "self.datapath". """ return sum(os.path.getsize(filename) for filename in self.walk() ) def _make_info(self, piece_size, progress, walker, piece_callback=None): """ Create info dict. """ # These collect the file descriptions and piece hashes file_list = [] pieces = [] # Initialize progress state hashing_secs = time.time() totalsize = -1 if self._fifo else self._calc_size() totalhashed = 0 # Start a new piece sha1sum = hashlib.sha1() done = 0 filename = None # Hash all files for filename in walker: # Assemble file info filesize = os.path.getsize(filename) filepath = filename[len(os.path.dirname(self.datapath) if self._fifo else self.datapath):].lstrip(os.sep) file_list.append({ "length": filesize, "path": [fmt.to_utf8(x) for x in fmt.to_unicode(filepath).replace(os.sep, '/').split('/')], }) self.LOG.debug("Hashing %r, size %d..." % (filename, filesize)) # Open file and hash it fileoffset = 0 handle = open(filename, "rb") try: while fileoffset < filesize: # Read rest of piece or file, whatever is smaller chunk = - fileoffset, piece_size - done)) sha1sum.update(chunk) # bogus pylint: disable=E1101 done += len(chunk) fileoffset += len(chunk) totalhashed += len(chunk) # Piece is done if done == piece_size: pieces.append(sha1sum.digest()) # bogus pylint: disable=E1101 if piece_callback: piece_callback(filename, pieces[-1]) # Start a new piece sha1sum = hashlib.sha1() done = 0 # Report progress if progress: progress(totalhashed, totalsize) finally: handle.close() # Add hash of partial last piece if done > 0: pieces.append(sha1sum.digest()) # bogus pylint: disable=E1103 if piece_callback: piece_callback(filename, pieces[-1]) # Build the meta dict metainfo = { "pieces": b"".join(pieces), "piece length": piece_size, "name": os.path.basename(self.datapath), } # Handle directory/FIFO vs. single file if self._fifo or os.path.isdir(self.datapath): metainfo["files"] = file_list else: metainfo["length"] = totalhashed hashing_secs = time.time() - hashing_secs"Hashing of %s took %.1f secs (%s/s)" % ( fmt.human_size(totalhashed).strip(), hashing_secs, fmt.human_size(totalhashed / hashing_secs).strip(), )) # Return validated info dict return check_info(metainfo), totalhashed def _make_meta(self, tracker_url, root_name, private, progress): """ Create torrent dict. """ # Calculate piece size if self._fifo: # TODO we need to add a (command line) param, probably for total data size # for now, always 1MB piece_size_exp = 20 else: total_size = self._calc_size() if total_size: piece_size_exp = int(math.log(total_size) / math.log(2)) - 9 else: piece_size_exp = 0 piece_size_exp = min(max(15, piece_size_exp), 24) piece_size = 2 ** piece_size_exp # Build info hash info, totalhashed = self._make_info(piece_size, progress, self.walk() if self._fifo else sorted(self.walk())) # Enforce unique hash per tracker info["x_cross_seed"] = hashlib.md5(tracker_url).hexdigest() # Set private flag if private: info["private"] = 1 # Freely chosen root name (default is basename of the data path) if root_name: info["name"] = root_name # Torrent metadata meta = { "info": info, "announce": tracker_url.strip(), } #XXX meta["encoding"] = "UTF-8" # Return validated meta dict return check_meta(meta), totalhashed
[docs] def create(self, datapath, tracker_urls, comment=None, root_name=None, created_by=None, private=False, no_date=False, progress=None, callback=None): """ Create a metafile with the path given on object creation. Returns the last metafile dict that was written (as an object, not bencoded). """ if datapath: self.datapath = datapath try: tracker_urls = ['' + tracker_urls] except TypeError: tracker_urls = list(tracker_urls) multi_mode = len(tracker_urls) > 1 # TODO add optimization so the hashing happens only once for multiple URLs! for tracker_url in tracker_urls: # Lookup announce URLs from config file try: if urlparse.urlparse(tracker_url).scheme: tracker_alias = urlparse.urlparse(tracker_url).netloc.split(':')[0].split('.') tracker_alias = tracker_alias[-2 if len(tracker_alias) > 1 else 0] else: tracker_alias, tracker_url = config.lookup_announce_alias(tracker_url) tracker_url = tracker_url[0] except (KeyError, IndexError): raise error.UserError("Bad tracker URL %r, or unknown alias!" % (tracker_url,)) # Determine metafile name output_name = self.filename if multi_mode: # Add 2nd level of announce URL domain to metafile name output_name = list(os.path.splitext(output_name)) try: output_name[1:1] = '-' + tracker_alias except (IndexError,): self.LOG.error("Malformed announce URL %r, skipping!" % (tracker_url,)) continue output_name = ''.join(output_name) # Hash the data"Creating %r for %s %r..." % ( output_name, "filenames read from" if self._fifo else "data in", self.datapath, )) meta, _ = self._make_meta(tracker_url, root_name, private, progress) # Add optional fields if comment: meta["comment"] = comment if created_by: meta["created by"] = created_by if not no_date: meta["creation date"] = int(time.time()) if callback: callback(meta) # Write metafile to disk self.LOG.debug("Writing %r..." % (output_name,)) bencode.bwrite(output_name, meta) return meta
[docs] def check(self, metainfo, datapath, progress=None): """ Check piece hashes of a metafile against the given datapath. """ if datapath: self.datapath = datapath def check_piece(filename, piece): "Callback for new piece" if piece != metainfo["info"]["pieces"][check_piece.piece_index:check_piece.piece_index+20]: self.LOG.warn("Piece #%d: Hashes differ in file %r" % (check_piece.piece_index//20, filename)) check_piece.piece_index += 20 check_piece.piece_index = 0 datameta, _ = self._make_info(int(metainfo["info"]["piece length"]), progress, [datapath] if "length" in metainfo["info"] else (os.path.join(*([datapath] + i["path"])) for i in metainfo["info"]["files"]), piece_callback=check_piece ) return datameta["pieces"] == metainfo["info"]["pieces"]
[docs] def listing(self, masked=True): """ List torrent info & contents. Returns a list of formatted lines. """ # Assemble data metainfo = sanitize(bencode.bread(self.filename)) announce = metainfo['announce'] info = metainfo['info'] infohash = hashlib.sha1(bencode.bencode(info)) total_size = data_size(metainfo) piece_length = info['piece length'] piece_number, last_piece_length = divmod(total_size, piece_length) # Build result result = [ "NAME %s" % (os.path.basename(fmt.to_unicode(self.filename))), "SIZE %s (%i * %s + %s)" % ( fmt.human_size(total_size).strip(), piece_number, fmt.human_size(piece_length).strip(), fmt.human_size(last_piece_length).strip(), ), "META %s (pieces %s %.1f%%)" % ( fmt.human_size(os.path.getsize(self.filename)).strip(), fmt.human_size(len(info["pieces"])).strip(), 100.0 * len(info["pieces"]) / os.path.getsize(self.filename), ), "HASH %s" % (infohash.hexdigest().upper()), "URL %s" % (mask_keys if masked else str)(announce), "PRV %s" % ("YES (DHT/PEX disabled)" if info.get("private") else "NO (DHT/PEX enabled)"), "TIME %s" % ("N/A" if "creation date" not in metainfo else time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(metainfo["creation date"])) ), ] for label, key in (("BY ", "created by"), ("REM ", "comment")): if key in metainfo: result.append("%s %s" % (label, metainfo.get(key, "N/A"))) result.extend([ "", "FILE LISTING%s" % ("" if 'length' in info else " [%d file(s)]" % len(info['files']),), ]) if 'length' in info: # Single file result.append("%-69s%9s" % ( fmt.to_unicode(info['name']), fmt.human_size(total_size), )) else: # Directory structure result.append("%s/" % fmt.to_unicode(info['name'])) oldpaths = [None] * 99 for entry in info['files']: # Remove crap that certain PHP software puts in paths entry_path = [fmt.to_unicode(i) for i in entry["path"] if i] for idx, item in enumerate(entry_path[:-1]): if item != oldpaths[idx]: result.append("%s%s/" % (' ' * (4*(idx+1)), item)) oldpaths[idx] = item result.append("%-69s%9s" % ( ' ' * (4*len(entry_path)) + entry_path[-1], fmt.human_size(entry['length']), )) return result