Source code for pyrocore.daemon.webapp

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: disable=bad-whitespace
""" rTorrent web apps.

    Copyright (c) 2013 The PyroScope Project <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
from __future__ import absolute_import

import os
import re
import json
import time
import socket
#import mimetypes

import psutil

from webob import exc, static, Request, Response
from webob.dec import wsgify
#from webob.response import Response

from import Bunch
from pyrocore import config, error
from pyrocore.util import pymagic, xmlrpc, stats

[docs]class StaticFolders(object): """ An application that serves up the files in a list of given directories. Non-existent paths are ignored. Pass a `fileapp` factory to change the default file serving app. """ def __init__(self, paths, fileapp=None, **kw): self.LOG = pymagic.get_class_logger(self) self.paths = [] self.fileapp = fileapp or static.FileApp self.fileapp_kw = kw for path in paths: path = os.path.abspath(path).rstrip(os.path.sep) + os.path.sep if os.path.isdir(path): self.paths.append(path) else: self.LOG.warn("Static HTTP directory %r not found, ignoring it" % path) @wsgify def __call__(self, req): urlpath = req.urlvars.filepath.strip('/').replace("..", "!FORBIDDEN!") for basepath in self.paths: path = os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(os.path.join(basepath, urlpath))) if not os.path.isfile(path): continue elif not path.startswith(basepath): return exc.HTTPForbidden(comment="Won't follow symlink to %r" % urlpath) else: return self.fileapp(path, **self.fileapp_kw) return exc.HTTPNotFound(comment=urlpath)
[docs]class JsonController(object): """ Controller for generating JSON data. """ ERRORS_LOGGED = set() def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.LOG = pymagic.get_class_logger(self) self.cfg = Bunch(kwargs) @wsgify def __call__(self, req): action = req.urlvars.get("action") try: try: method = getattr(self, "json_" + action) except AttributeError: raise exc.HTTPNotFound("No action '%s'" % action) resp = method(req) if isinstance(resp, (dict, list)): try: resp = json.dumps(resp, sort_keys=True) except (TypeError, ValueError, IndexError, AttributeError) as json_exc: raise exc.HTTPInternalServerError("JSON serialization error (%s)" % json_exc) if isinstance(resp, basestring): resp = Response(body=resp, content_type="application/json") except exc.HTTPException as http_exc: resp = http_exc return resp
[docs] def guarded(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """ Call a function, return None on errors. """ try: return func(*args, **kwargs) except (EnvironmentError, error.LoggableError, xmlrpc.ERRORS) as g_exc: if func.__name__ not in self.ERRORS_LOGGED: self.LOG.warn("While calling '%s': %s" % (func.__name__, g_exc)) self.ERRORS_LOGGED.add(func.__name__) return None
[docs] def json_engine(self, req): # pylint: disable=R0201,W0613 """ Return torrent engine data. """ try: return stats.engine_data(config.engine) except (error.LoggableError, xmlrpc.ERRORS) as torrent_exc: raise exc.HTTPInternalServerError(str(torrent_exc))
[docs] def json_charts(self, req): """ Return charting data. """ disk_used, disk_total, disk_detail = 0, 0, [] for disk_usage_path in self.cfg.disk_usage_path.split(os.pathsep): disk_usage = self.guarded(psutil.disk_usage, os.path.expanduser(disk_usage_path.strip())) if disk_usage: disk_used += disk_usage.used disk_total += disk_detail.append((disk_usage.used, data = dict( engine = self.json_engine(req), uptime = time.time() - psutil.BOOT_TIME, # pylint: disable=no-member fqdn = self.guarded(socket.getfqdn), cpu_usage = self.guarded(psutil.cpu_percent, 0), ram_usage = self.guarded(psutil.virtual_memory), swap_usage = self.guarded(psutil.swap_memory), disk_usage = (disk_used, disk_total, disk_detail) if disk_total else None, disk_io = self.guarded(psutil.disk_io_counters), net_io = self.guarded(psutil.net_io_counters), ) return data
[docs]class Router(object): """ URL router middleware. See """ ROUTES_RE = re.compile(r''' \{ # The exact character "{" (\w+) # The variable name (restricted to a-z, 0-9, _) (?::([^}]+))? # The optional :regex part \} # The exact character "}" ''', re.VERBOSE) @classmethod
[docs] def parse_route(cls, template): """ Parse a route definition, and return the compiled regex that matches it. """ regex = '' last_pos = 0 for match in cls.ROUTES_RE.finditer(template): regex += re.escape(template[last_pos:match.start()]) var_name = expr = or '[^/]+' expr = '(?P<%s>%s)' % (var_name, expr) regex += expr last_pos = match.end() regex += re.escape(template[last_pos:]) regex = '^%s$' % regex return re.compile(regex)
def __init__(self): self.LOG = pymagic.get_class_logger(self) self.routes = []
[docs] def add_route(self, template, controller, **kwargs): """ Add a route definition `controller` can be either a controller instance, or the name of a callable that will be imported. """ if isinstance(controller, basestring): controller = pymagic.import_name(controller) self.routes.append((self.parse_route(template), controller, kwargs)) return self
def __call__(self, environ, start_response): req = Request(environ) self.LOG.debug("Incoming request at %r" % (req.path_info,)) for regex, controller, kwargs in self.routes: match = regex.match(req.path_info) if match: req.urlvars = Bunch(kwargs) req.urlvars.update(match.groupdict()) self.LOG.debug("controller=%r; vars=%r; req=%r; env=%r" % (controller, req.urlvars, req, environ)) return controller(environ, start_response) return exc.HTTPNotFound()(environ, start_response)
@wsgify def redirect(req, _log=pymagic.get_lazy_logger("redirect")): """ Redirect controller to emit a HTTP 301. """ log = req.environ.get("wsgilog.logger", _log) target = req.relative_url("Redirecting '%s' to '%s'" % (req.url, target)) return exc.HTTPMovedPermanently(location=target)
[docs]def make_app(httpd_config): """ Factory for the monitoring webapp. """ #mimetypes.add_type('image/', '.ico') # Default paths to serve static file from htdocs_paths = [ os.path.realpath(os.path.join(config.config_dir, "htdocs")), os.path.join(os.path.dirname(config.__file__), "data", "htdocs"), ] return (Router() .add_route("/", controller=redirect, to="/static/index.html") .add_route("/favicon.ico", controller=redirect, to="/static/favicon.ico") .add_route("/static/{filepath:.+}", controller=StaticFolders(htdocs_paths)) .add_route("/json/{action}", controller=JsonController(**httpd_config.json)) )
[docs]def module_test(): """ Quick test using… python -m pyrocore.daemon.webapp """ import pprint from pyrocore import connect try: engine = connect() print("%s - %s" % (engine.engine_id, pprint.pprint(stats.engine_data(engine)) print("%s - %s" % (engine.engine_id, except (error.LoggableError, xmlrpc.ERRORS) as torrent_exc: print("ERROR: %s" % torrent_exc)
if __name__ == "__main__": module_test()