
PyroScope CLI Tools Usage

This section is automatically generated and shows the options available in the development version of the code (git HEAD). See User’s Manual for more details on how to use these commands.


The help output presented here applies to version 0.6.1.dev20180524 of the tools.


Usage: chtor [options] <metafile>...

Change attributes of a bittorrent metafile.

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -q, --quiet           omit informational logging
  -v, --verbose         increase informational logging
  --debug               always show stack-traces for errors
  --cron                run in cron mode (with different logging configuration)
  --config-dir=DIR      configuration directory [~/.pyroscope]
  --config-file=PATH    additional config file(s) to read
  -D KEY=VAL [-D ...], --define=KEY=VAL [-D ...]
                        override configuration attributes
  -n, --dry-run         don't write changes to disk, just tell what would happen
  -V, --no-skip         do not skip broken metafiles that fail the integrity check
  -o PATH, --output-directory=PATH
                        optional output directory for the modified metafile(s)
  -p, --make-private    make torrent private (DHT/PEX disabled)
  -P, --make-public     make torrent public (DHT/PEX enabled)
  -s KEY=VAL [-s ...], --set=KEY=VAL [-s ...]
                        set a specific key to the given value; omit the '=' to delete a key
  -r KEYcREGEXcSUBSTc [-r ...], --regex=KEYcREGEXcSUBSTc [-r ...]
                        replace pattern in a specific key by the given substitution
  -C, --clean           remove all non-standard data from metafile outside the info dict
  -A, --clean-all       remove all non-standard data from metafile including inside the info dict
  -X, --clean-xseed     like --clean-all, but keep libtorrent resume information
  -R, --clean-rtorrent  remove all rTorrent session data from metafile
  -H DATAPATH, --hashed=DATAPATH, --fast-resume=DATAPATH
                        add libtorrent fast-resume information (use {} in place of the torrent's name in DATAPATH)
  -a URL, --reannounce=URL
                        set a new announce URL, but only if the old announce URL matches the new one
  --reannounce-all=URL  set a new announce URL on ALL given metafiles
  --no-ssl              force announce URL to 'http'
  --no-cross-seed       when using --reannounce-all, do not add a non-standard field to the info dict ensuring unique info hashes
  --comment=TEXT        set a new comment (an empty value deletes it)
  --bump-date           set the creation date to right now
  --no-date             remove the 'creation date' field


Usage: hashcheck [options] <metafile> [<data-dir-or-file>]

Check a bittorrent metafile.

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -q, --quiet           omit informational logging
  -v, --verbose         increase informational logging
  --debug               always show stack-traces for errors
  --cron                run in cron mode (with different logging configuration)
  --config-dir=DIR      configuration directory [~/.pyroscope]
  --config-file=PATH    additional config file(s) to read
  -D KEY=VAL [-D ...], --define=KEY=VAL [-D ...]
                        override configuration attributes


Usage: lstor [options] <metafile>...

List contents of a bittorrent metafile.

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -q, --quiet           omit informational logging
  -v, --verbose         increase informational logging
  --debug               always show stack-traces for errors
  --cron                run in cron mode (with different logging configuration)
  --reveal              show full announce URL including keys
  --raw                 print the metafile's raw content in all detail
  -V, --skip-validation
                        show broken metafiles with an invalid structure
  -o KEY,KEY1.KEY2,..., --output=KEY,KEY1.KEY2,...
                        select fields to print, output is separated by TABs; note that __file__ is the path to the metafile,
                        __hash__ is the info hash, and __size__ is the data size in bytes


Usage: mktor [options] <dir-or-file> <tracker-url-or-alias>... | <magnet-uri>

Create a bittorrent metafile.

If passed a magnet URI as the only argument, a metafile is created
in the directory specified via the configuration value 'magnet_watch',
loadable by rTorrent. Which means you can register 'mktor' as a magnet:
URL handler in Firefox.

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -q, --quiet           omit informational logging
  -v, --verbose         increase informational logging
  --debug               always show stack-traces for errors
  --cron                run in cron mode (with different logging configuration)
  --config-dir=DIR      configuration directory [~/.pyroscope]
  --config-file=PATH    additional config file(s) to read
  -D KEY=VAL [-D ...], --define=KEY=VAL [-D ...]
                        override configuration attributes
  -p, --private         disallow DHT and PEX
  --no-date             leave out creation date
  -o PATH, --output-filename=PATH
                        optional file name (or target directory) for the metafile
  -r NAME, --root-name=NAME
                        optional root name (default is basename of the data path)
  -x PATTERN [-x ...], --exclude=PATTERN [-x ...]
                        exclude files matching a glob pattern from hashing
  --comment=TEXT        optional human-readable comment
  -s KEY=VAL [-s ...], --set=KEY=VAL [-s ...]
                        set a specific key to the given value; omit the '=' to delete a key
  --no-cross-seed       do not automatically add a field to the info dict ensuring unique info hashes
  -X LABEL, --cross-seed=LABEL
                        set additional explicit label for cross-seeding (changes info hash, use '@entropy' to randomize it)
  -H, --hashed, --fast-resume
                        create second metafile containing libtorrent fast-resume information


Usage: pyroadmin [options]

Support for administrative tasks.

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -q, --quiet           omit informational logging
  -v, --verbose         increase informational logging
  --debug               always show stack-traces for errors
  --cron                run in cron mode (with different logging configuration)
  --config-dir=DIR      configuration directory [~/.pyroscope]
  --config-file=PATH    additional config file(s) to read
  -D KEY=VAL [-D ...], --define=KEY=VAL [-D ...]
                        override configuration attributes
  --create-config       create default configuration
                        write new versions of BOTH .rc and .rc.default files, and remove stale ones
  --dump-config         pretty-print configuration including all defaults
                        create import file for a '.d' directory
  --dump-rc             pretty-print dynamic commands defined in 'rtorrent.rc'
  -o KEY,KEY1.KEY2=DEFAULT,..., --output=KEY,KEY1.KEY2=DEFAULT,...
                        select fields to print, output is separated by TABs; default values can be provided after the key
  --reveal              show config internals and full announce URL including keys
  --screenlet           create screenlet stub


Usage: pyrotorque [options]

rTorrent queue manager & daemon.

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -q, --quiet           omit informational logging
  -v, --verbose         increase informational logging
  --debug               always show stack-traces for errors
  --cron                run in cron mode (with different logging configuration)
  --config-dir=DIR      configuration directory [~/.pyroscope]
  --config-file=PATH    additional config file(s) to read
  -D KEY=VAL [-D ...], --define=KEY=VAL [-D ...]
                        override configuration attributes
  -n, --dry-run         advise jobs not to do any real work, just tell what would happen
  --no-fork, --fg       Don't fork into background (stay in foreground and log to console)
  --stop                Stop running daemon
  --restart             Stop running daemon, then fork into background
  -?, --status          Check daemon status
  --pid-file=PATH       file holding the process ID of the daemon, when running in background
  --guard-file=PATH     guard file for the process watchdog


Usage: rtcontrol [options] <filter>...

Control and inspect rTorrent from the command line.

Filter expressions take the form "<field>=<value>", and all expressions must
be met (AND). If a field name is omitted, "name" is assumed. You can also use
uppercase OR to build a list of alternative conditions.

For numeric fields, a leading "+" means greater than, a leading "-" means less
than. For string fields, the value is a glob pattern (*, ?, [a-z], [!a-z]), or
a regex match enclosed by slashes. All string comparisons are case-ignoring.
Multiple values separated by a comma indicate several possible choices (OR).
"!" in front of a filter value negates it (NOT).

See for more.

  - All 1:1 seeds         ratio=+1
  - All active torrents   xfer=+0
  - All seeding torrents  up=+0
  - Slow torrents         down=+0 down=-5k
  - Older than 2 weeks    completed=+2w
  - Big stuff             size=+4g
  - 1:1 seeds not on NAS  ratio=+1 'realpath=!/mnt/*'
  - Music                 kind=flac,mp3

Use --help to get a list of all options.
Use --help-fields to list all fields and their description.

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -q, --quiet           omit informational logging
  -v, --verbose         increase informational logging
  --debug               always show stack-traces for errors
  --cron                run in cron mode (with different logging configuration)
  --config-dir=DIR      configuration directory [~/.pyroscope]
  --config-file=PATH    additional config file(s) to read
  -D KEY=VAL [-D ...], --define=KEY=VAL [-D ...]
                        override configuration attributes
  --help-fields         show available fields and their description
  -n, --dry-run         don't commit changes, just tell what would happen
  --detach              run the process in the background
  -i, --interactive     interactive mode (prompt before changing things)
  --yes                 positively answer all prompts (e.g. --delete --yes)
  -S, --shell           escape output following shell rules
  -0, --nul, --print0   use a NUL character instead of a linebreak after items
  -c, --column-headers  print column headers
  -+, --stats           add sum / avg / median of numerical fields
  --summary             print only statistical summary, without the items
  --json                dump all items as JSON (use '-o f1,f2,...' to specify fields)
  -o FORMAT, --output-format=FORMAT
                        specify display format (use '-o-' to disable item display)
  -O FILE, --output-template=FILE
                        pass control of output formatting to the specified template
  -s [-]FIELD[,...] [-s...], --sort-fields=[-]FIELD[,...] [-s...]
                        fields used for sorting, descending if prefixed with a '-'; '-s*' uses output field list
  -r, --reverse-sort    reverse the sort order
  -A MODE [-A...], --anneal=MODE [-A...]
                        modify result set using some pre-defined methods
  -/ [N-]M, --select=[N-]M
                        select result subset by item position (counting from 1)
  -V, --view-only       show search result only in default ncurses view
  --to-view=NAME, --to=NAME
                        show search result only in named ncurses view
  --append-view, --append
                        APPEND search results to ncurses view (modifies -V and --to-view behaviour)
  --tee-view, --tee     ADDITIONALLY show search results in ncurses view (modifies -V and --to-view behaviour)
  --from-view=NAME, --from=NAME
                        select only items that are on view NAME (NAME can be an info hash to quickly select a single item)
  -M NAME, --modify-view=NAME
                        get items from given view and write result back to it (short-cut to combine --from-view and --to-view)
  -Q LEVEL, --fast-query=LEVEL
                        enable query optimization (=: use config; 0: off; 1: safe; 2: danger seeker) [=]
  --call=CMD            call an OS command pattern in the shell
  --spawn=CMD [--spawn ...]
                        execute OS command pattern(s) directly
  --start               start torrent
  --close, --stop       stop torrent
  -H, --hash-check      hash-check torrent (implies -i)
  --delete              remove torrent from client (implies -i)
  --purge, --delete-partial
                        delete PARTIAL data files and remove torrent from client (implies -i)
  --cull, --exterminate, --delete-all
                        delete ALL data files and remove torrent from client (implies -i)
  -T NAME, --throttle=NAME
                        assign to named throttle group (NULL=unlimited, NONE=global) (implies -i)
  --tag="TAG +TAG -TAG..."
                        add or remove tag(s)
  --custom=KEY=VALUE    set value of 'custom_KEY' field (KEY might also be 1..5)
  --exec=CMD, --xmlrpc=CMD
                        execute XMLRPC command pattern (implies -i)
  --ignore=0|1          set 'ignore commands' status on torrent
  --prio=0|1|2|3        set priority of torrent
  -F, --flush           flush changes immediately (save session data)

Fields are:
  active                last time a peer was connected
  alias                 tracker alias or domain
  completed             time download was finished
  custom_KEY            named rTorrent custom attribute, e.g. 'custom_completion_target'
  directory             directory containing download data
  done                  completion in percent
  down                  download rate
  files                 list of files in this item
  fno                   number of files in this item
  hash                  info hash
  is_active             download active?
  is_complete           download complete?
  is_ghost              has no data file or directory?
  is_ignored            ignore commands?
  is_multi_file         single- or multi-file download?
  is_open               download open?
  is_private            private flag set (no DHT/PEX)?
  kind                  ALL kinds of files in this item (the same as kind_0)
  kind_N                file types that contribute at least N% to the item's total size
  last_xfer             last time data was transferred
  leechtime             time taken from start to completion
  loaded                time metafile was loaded
  message               current tracker message
  metafile              path to torrent file
  name                  name (file or root directory)
  path                  path to download data
  prio                  priority (0=off, 1=low, 2=normal, 3=high)
  ratio                 normalized ratio (1:1 = 1.0)
  realpath              real path to download data
  seedtime              total seeding time after completion
  sessionfile           path to session file
  size                  data size
  started               time download was FIRST started
  stopped               time download was last stopped or paused
  tagged                has certain tags? (not related to the 'tagged' view)
  throttle              throttle group name (NULL=unlimited, NONE=global)
  tracker               first in the list of announce URLs
  traits                automatic classification of this item (audio, video, tv, movie, etc.)
  up                    upload rate
  uploaded              amount of uploaded data
  views                 views this item is attached to
  xfer                  transfer rate

Format specifiers are:
  delta                 Format a UNIX timestamp to a delta (relative to now).
  duration              Format a duration value in seconds to a readable form.
  iso                   Format a UNIX timestamp to an ISO datetime string.
  json                  JSON serialization.
  mtime                 Modification time of a path.
  pathbase              Base name of a path.
  pathdir               Directory containing the given path.
  pathext               Extension of a path (including the '.').
  pathname              Base name of a path, without its extension.
  pc                    Scale a ratio value to percent.
  raw                   Switch off the default field formatter.
  strip                 Strip leading and trailing whitespace.
  subst                 Replace regex with string.
  sz                    Format a byte sized value.

Append format specifiers using a '.' to field names in '-o' lists,
e.g. '' or ''.


Usage: rtevent [options] <event> <infohash> [<args>...]

Handle rTorrent events.

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -q, --quiet           omit informational logging
  -v, --verbose         increase informational logging
  --debug               always show stack-traces for errors
  --cron                run in cron mode (with different logging configuration)
  --config-dir=DIR      configuration directory [~/.pyroscope]
  --config-file=PATH    additional config file(s) to read
  -D KEY=VAL [-D ...], --define=KEY=VAL [-D ...]
                        override configuration attributes
  --no-fork, --fg       Don't fork into background (stay in foreground, default for terminal use)


Usage: rtmv [options] <source>... <target>

Move data actively seeded in rTorrent.

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -q, --quiet           omit informational logging
  -v, --verbose         increase informational logging
  --debug               always show stack-traces for errors
  --cron                run in cron mode (with different logging configuration)
  --config-dir=DIR      configuration directory [~/.pyroscope]
  --config-file=PATH    additional config file(s) to read
  -D KEY=VAL [-D ...], --define=KEY=VAL [-D ...]
                        override configuration attributes
  -n, --dry-run         don't move data, just tell what would happen
  -F, --force-incomplete
                        force a move of incomplete data


Usage: rtsweep [options] <space requirement>|SHOW

Manage disk space by deleting items loaded into rTorrent, including their data,
following configured rules that define an order of what to remove first.

The required space is passed as the first argument, either in bytes or
qualified with a unit character (K=KiB, M=MiB, G=GiB). Alternatively, you can
pass a metafile path, with the requirement calculated from its content size.

Use "show" instead to list the active rules, ordered by their priority.

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -q, --quiet           omit informational logging
  -v, --verbose         increase informational logging
  --debug               always show stack-traces for errors
  --cron                run in cron mode (with different logging configuration)
  --config-dir=DIR      configuration directory [~/.pyroscope]
  --config-file=PATH    additional config file(s) to read
  -D KEY=VAL [-D ...], --define=KEY=VAL [-D ...]
                        override configuration attributes
  -n, --dry-run         do not remove anything, just tell what would happen
  -p PATH, --path=PATH  path into the filesystem to sweep (else the default download location)
  -r RULESET [-r ...], --rules=RULESET [-r ...]
                        name the ruleset(s) to use, instead of the default ones


Usage: rtxmlrpc [options] <method> <args>... |
           -i <commands>... | -i @<filename> | -i @- |
           --session <session-file>... | --session <directory> |
           --session @<filename-list> | --session @-

Perform raw rTorrent XMLRPC calls, like "rtxmlrpc throttle.global_up.max_rate".
To enter a XMLRPC REPL, pass no arguments at all.

Start arguments with "+" or "-" to indicate they're numbers (type i4 or i8).
Use "[1,2,..." for arrays. Use "@" to indicate binary data, which can be
followed by a file path (e.g. "@/path/to/file"), a URL (https, http, ftp,
and file are supported), or '-' to read from stdin.

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -q, --quiet           omit informational logging
  -v, --verbose         increase informational logging
  --debug               always show stack-traces for errors
  --cron                run in cron mode (with different logging configuration)
  --config-dir=DIR      configuration directory [~/.pyroscope]
  --config-file=PATH    additional config file(s) to read
  -D KEY=VAL [-D ...], --define=KEY=VAL [-D ...]
                        override configuration attributes
  -r, --repr            show Python pretty-printed response
  -x, --xml             show XML response
  -i, --as-import       execute each argument as a private command using 'import'
  --session, --restore  restore session state from .rtorrent session file(s)

rTorrent XMLRPC

See the Commands Reference in the rTorrent Handbook for a list of available commands and what they do. The Scripting Guide explains how all these fit together.

XMLRPC Migration

The syntax of XMLRPC commands changed with rTorrent version 0.8.9, and continues to change. The old command names and behavior were replaced with aliases and marked for deprecation, so they still work for now, but don’t rely on that and use the new names instead.

See XMLRPC Migration in the GitHub wiki for details.

Books & Other Knowledge Sources

This and related documentation cannot teach all you need to know in order to run a torrent client and manage the server it is installed on.

So here are a few references to either books or web resources that help you to improve your basic know-how, in case you have trouble following some parts of the docs.

Linux / CLI / Administration


BitTorrent Protocol


BitTorrent standards: